Anonymous3: what the fuck with these shit ... can somebody erase these crap aside Leni is TOO GOOD for these fat ass mother fucker ... how is even people that support or like these someone please delete these right now
Anonymous4: Anon3 - Sorry, bub. Get over it. *laughs* Like people would try to delete something based on a certain bias towards that said thing. People can understand your point-of-view betweeen Leni and Chaz, but still, it’s not going ANYWHERE.
Anonymous5: for Ano4 i understand but is NOT CANON so i only wish somebody erase these shit and HentaiLand can fuck your mother ... these is bullshit and her reason is stupid beyond to support the point only for give her a advice for a dress .... im steel saying these is shit and please erase these for fuck sakes !!!
- Reply
Leni has a heart of gold she can look beyond fat,
besides he's not a fat slob.