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TagsChristmas, Doug_Sneyd, Santa_Claus, featured_image
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Anonymous1: Classic
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Anonymous2: ...The hell? Santa get your fat ass outta the bordello and bring me my gifts!
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Decanter: Keepin' it classy this Crimbus feature.
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Decanter: Oh yeah and we hit >>1000000 but it wasn't remarkable. Good thing these numbers are meaningless! We're actually only up to around 810k after deletions.
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Roflcakes: Santa forgot to turn his swag off.
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Anonymous3: @Decanter: It also seems like a lot of comics have been uploaded over the last day or two, including about 20-somethin pages of a naruto doujin, that will probably get taken down
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Lapp: The last place you'll find an old white man on Christmas is, after all, his own home.

Haha infidelity
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Anonymous4: Merry fookin xmas
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RogerTheRabbit: He knows when you're faking, he knows when you've got crabs...
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Anonymous5: Man, this picture is old as hell.
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Anonymous6: çalışan kazanır elması kızarır
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Anonymous7: Santa knows were the naughty girls are.
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Decanter: @Anonymous: The word you're looking for is "classic".
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Anonymous8: HOS HOS HOS
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Anonymous9: I bet this is from an old playboy magazine
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Anonymous10: What the hell? I clicked on the latest feature fully expecting to be visually assulted and mentally scarred, and I get this.

Paheal, I am disappoint.
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Anonymous11: Up 1,000,000 loaded, but here there is still 815,000 pictures :(
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JWN926: Was this in a Playboy issue? Penthouse maybe?
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Anonymous12: But then, how will the presents be delivered?
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Anonymous13(7): hes going to spread Joy and Noel.
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GoatHorn: @Decanter: Tim and Eric reference! :D
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Anonymous14: baseball bat.
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Anonymous15: A non porn holiday feature on rule 34 what kind of trap is this?
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JWN926: @Anonymous: Optometrist. Go see one.
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Anonymous16: Why is there a little boy's face next to santa's crotch!?!
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous: That is a doll, I believe, but lol look at its facial expression.
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g_rasputin: I believe one of the girls to be named Joy, in fact. So really it's the same thing.
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Anonymous18: Great feature
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Wilren: 1 girl too many for a "Ho ho ho" joke. Damn.
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vash99: santa is about to get the gift that keeps on giving"clap on clap off the clap "
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Farfegnugen: I love the classic Playboy cartoons.
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lorik: wow 2 fetures in as many months ...I'm honnered
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lorik: yes , got to love classic Playboy toons
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Anonymous19: Humbug!
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love_for_toons: never mind santa,
you better be mindful to see if GOD is watching YOU!
if you're on his naughty list,
you will get fire and brimstone not just coal.
and that's for all eternity.
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PonyLove: Saint nick is the patron for hookers and whores... and a few other things...
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champofgalacticretards: I have that image from Playboy, I think 1990s. Merry Decantermas Day! Santa JWN926 will bring Hentai hottest women for us and our needs! Thanks Santa JWN926!
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Anonymous20: MERRY CHRISTMAS, YOU attractive and successful Africans
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ZB: Mahyereh Cwrystmaz!! Herp Derp!!
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sensitive: 4 years ago
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Deathcock: @Roflcakes: He's in a brothel, underage retard.

@Anonymous: Do you know where it's from and when it was published? Nope, you don't.

@JWN926: Speaking like this. Not cool.
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Anonymous21: Ya know a lot of werid shit has been featured but none of it has ever raped my skull the way a amv of evangelion and here comes the sun has
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Homestruck: Marry Christmas you lovable gaggle of creeps and weirdos
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Anonymous22: Hoes hoes hoes.
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Anonymous23: What is it with all the porn that looks like it's from THE SHITITY FUCKING sixty's I mean Henti is all the PISS OUT MY GRANDMOTHERS ASS rage now.
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Decanter: @love_for_toons: So why are you on a porn site then?
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champofgalacticretards: @love_for_toons: You don't know what you talk because I know more than your testicle-brain.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Cculber007: Cculber007 loves cucumbers on his bitch-ass. That's why he bitches - not enuff lube for this fruit!
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Vicarious_Reality: What, one of them is named Joy?
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Franky_Whiskey: @love_for_toons: 9/10

Try to sound less chrisitian next tiem
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Vicarious_Reality: @Anonymous: Do you have tourettes literary syndrome?
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Franky_Whiskey: @Vicarious Reality: He has paheal touretess. average conditions round here man
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Anonymous24: @Decanter: really , making a ref to stupid pony shit.@Roflcakes: in brothel.@Homestruck: fuck off this site dumbass.@PonyLove: I agree with you there. @Anonymous34: indeed merry Christmas !@Lapp: you are wrong , there some people actually find true love and Stay married tell they your a attractive and successful African.@anon 14 : this pic has naked breasts in it , so it counts as porn.and@anon19: damn right ,tell the truth my friend!
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Franky_Whiskey: @Franky_Whiskey: shaddap master dragon fan boy. go eat a roasted chode, you piss-fuck!
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Anonymous25: @love_for_toons: It just isn't Christmas on paheal until some overzealous religious type reminds us we're all going to hell. Merry Christmas 2012!
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Anonymous26(24): @Franky_Whiskey: ah , Mr. Whiskey there you are, gracing us with your terrible attractive and successful African presence, first of all I will not be a roasted chode, it does sound really terrible; I think you should have one dumbass. 2.if you don't like what I have to say ,fine. Opinions matter on here .but you can shut up motherfucker. Because I good Christmas . And don't give a shit about your opinions.
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Dagg: Wishing everyone has a happy and wonderful and flavor-filled christmas. And for you utter guys imma slap yo slop.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Fine then. Don't reply if you oh-so-don't-give-a-fuck. I certainly will not.
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Roflcakes: @Deathcock: What exactly are you ingesting that makes you so edgy?
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Franky_Whiskey: @Roflcakes: He prolly on PCP. I'm on some foreign shit drug.
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Roflcakes: @Franky_Whiskey: I assumed long term steroid abuse.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Roflcakes: ahahaha. Tho PCP gives you the strenght of the Hulk, dude. No lie - seen some really scrawny eses in mehico on dat shit, and boy do they FIGHT!
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kazoobaby: At new years he'll be back to make Mary.

fappy chistmas all.
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Roflcakes: @Franky_Whiskey: Yeah, but then they start pulling their own teeth out or breaking their own ribs or some shit like that.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Roflcakes: Let's hope that dude does just that!
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Anonymous27: Keep Jesus in Christmas and hanukkah should be banned. This is Christmas not Jewmas
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Anonymous28: Better not shout better not cry better not hide im telling you why santa claus is rapeing you tonight
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Anonymous29: @Anonymous: what about kwanzaa then?
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Anonymous30: Hohohohohoh0, ho ho ho, hoho, ho, I'ma gonna fire mi bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhha
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JWN926: @Anonymous: That shit's not even a real fucking holiday.
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q-zar: oh boy! santas finaly getting some
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Anonymous31(24): @Anonymous: that holiday was invented by the dumbass coons.
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Anonymous32: This site has let me down this christmas. I expected something pornier.
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belgurdo: Artist is Don Sneyd, a common contributor to Playboy
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Raiden_Snake: I like the redhead and the brunette in the background. Too bad I couldn't get to see HER breasts.
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darthomega55: he's got a lot of stockings to fuck....I mean stuff
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leacheate_soup: >>58886
I'm just gonna leave this here.
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Anonymous33: Gimme da dog
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Suzuka: I've seen this pic in a magazine before.
I mean, it looks pretty familiar to me.
It's either an edited pic, or it's from a Playboy mag.
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DarkAtHearts: Zing!
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love_for_toons: someone has to tell you sinners about GOD.
or you can just find out on judgement day.
it would be too late by that time though.
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JWN926: @love_for_toons: Cat calling the kettle black detected.
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TrashPirate: @love_for_toons: The user said as he browsed the paheal site with a sneer.

But upon his browsing of the internet and this site they say, that the size of his wardrobe grew 3 sizes that way.
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Anonymous34(24): @Peacock: dude your on porn judgeing other people . I know the man upstairs will judge someday but let's have some fun. Idoitic dumbass.
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Anonymous35(24): @Anonymous: that post was meant for @love_for_toons: that is post who is meant to go to not peacock .
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love_for_toons: what you call fun GOD calls sin. or as the bible calls it folly.
if you die in your sin yuo don't go to heaven GOD said it i did'nt
look it up.
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Anonymous36(24): @love_for_toons: dude just leave.
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love_for_toons: what's the matter? the guilt getting to ya.
you've been warned,
GOD see's everything you do if you find yoursel at the whitethrone
of judgement do'nt blame me.
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TrashPirate: @love_for_toons: Nope, just repent once before you die and your set for heaven.
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Anonymous37: @love_for_toons: You are the servant of the devil, you cant fool us.
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Decanter: @love_for_toons: Why would he feel guilty about it? This hurts no one.
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champofgalacticretards: @Franky_Whiskey: That was yours, not mine. You love being fag with anything that fits in your bare-ass which is not allowed on Rule 34. Meow! For me, females only, no objects
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JWN926: @love_for_toons: Why would we blame you? You're going to Hell anyway.
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champofgalacticretards: @love_for_toons: send me private messages about regilious nut is not cleansing yourself, you just made yourself look a reglious fool. "Divine Being" does see anything INCLUDING you and remember that he made us "HORNY" for being making sexes to make more kids. Animals do sexes. Nude pictures made us horny to be hot for women. Caspise?
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champofgalacticretards: @Peacock: I don't think he will go to Heaven. Maybe more like psychiatric ward of Heaven.
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Witchan: @love_for_toons: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. So much hypocrisy from you, you autistic, attention whore. Hang yourself.
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Witchan: Sorry, couldn't resist the suicidal comment.
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Anonymous38: I think Christmas is a holiday that has the potential to be big sometime in the near future.
I don't think it will be the last we hear of it.
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Anonymous39: Fuck the pussy.
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love_for_toons: who you talking to
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champofgalacticretards: @love_for_toons: you.
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Anonymous40: @love_for_toons: How obvious is it that you're not being productive at all? Treat our damnation as a terminal illness, because your cures are horseshit and we won't take them sitting down. You've never saved a soul. People will be polite and placate you by pretending to consider it and never talking to you again or lying to your face. All you've done is stirred up trouble, caused more annoyance and hate, and then felt good about it.
Tl;dr fuck off
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Anonymous41: It's hilarious when people talk about gods, sin, damnation, hell, souls, and the rest of the religious guilt trip as if they really existed, as opposed to being drug-induced fantasies of ancient retards, dreamed up to keep other retards in line.
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Anonymous42(41): @love_for_toons: "GOD said it i did'nt"

We haven't actually heard a god say anything, just ancient dickheads claiming to speak for one.
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Anonymous43(41): And modern-day dickheads quoting the ancient ones.
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Anonymous44: well thats something is'nt it.
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Anonymous45(44): aw thats so special.
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Anonymous46(41): Is it? It's all talk.
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Anonymous47(24): Never know , it may come true.
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Anonymous48(44): it's all something, if you know what i mean.
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Anonymous49(41): Horseshit?
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Anonymous50(41): What reason is there for believing religion is true, other than that you just want it to be true?
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Anonymous51(44): is it realy hillarious? or are you saying that redundently:}
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Anonymous52(44): horseshit. makes great fertalizer you know.
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Anonymous53(24): Time well tell, wether the world ends ,and
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the
beast for it is a human number, its number is Six hundred and
sixty six. That happens . Time will tell , or if the USA gets invaded because our 2nd admedent rights are taken away.
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Anonymous54(41): Religion is hilarious as a concept. Except when it is used to fuck over other people, such as voting against same-sex marriage or birth control. I wouldn't give a shit about it otherwise.
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Anonymous55(44): wow you know me so well anom38
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Anonymous56(24): Anon 39 same-sex is fucking wrong ,fags/trannies are dumbasses.
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Anonymous57(41): LOL
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Anonymous58(44): well if you're horny go get married and have some kids,
whats stopping you. from love _ for _ toons.
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Anonymous59(44): i agree. sex should only be between a man and a woman.
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Anonymous60(41): Also, equating being horny with having kids is why so many parts of the world are overpopulated.
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Anonymous61(24): Even if there coons, spics,, muslimsms shitheads.
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Anonymous63: Needs more tentacles ~
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McKillerRus: 1 more reason to be a Santa
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Anonymous64: can u upload HD picture plskthx
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: You need a help. They have psychiatric ward of Paheal called Rule 34P where they can help users and their mind problems with non-porn images that Doctors used.
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: same for you.
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Anonymous68(24): @Cculber007: @Anonymous: both of you piss off, dumbasses attractive and successful African idiots . I don't need help pyshictric help . You do fags.
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Anonymous69(24): That goes for Anon 42 as well the spic bastard.
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Yes, you do need a serious help. Your brain has black spots of sith forces that make you violent mad.
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Anonymous70(24): @Cculber007: then I glad for the sith forces . Because I think you have be a "little insane in this sane" , plus "the madness helps my sanity"epically if it violent madness.
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Anonymous71(24): @Cculber007: plus sometime being crazy is good.
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: I called Rule 34P and they are transferring your username account to their website. I hope they help you out with your dark brain. I am just a cat with 3 years experience of this website. Wish you best lucky, Darth Sanity.
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Anonymous72(24): @Cculber007: have no username shithead.
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Anonymous73(24): [@Cculber007: fuck you asshole!
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Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: He already fucks himself, lawl.
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Anonymous74(24): @Franky_Whiskey: yep he does .
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: You already named "Anon23" so you have one. huh better call Doctors on you.

@Franky_Whiskey: Escapre from Rule34P with your cucumber again? it is a time for you to wear a straightjacket and keep you in locked cell with 24-hours Cartoon Network with only cookies and milk
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-ErnieTheGreatest: ALMOST FEATURE #666
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Anonymous75: Santa can't fuck them all. He only comes once a year.
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MisterMetalDude: Ok here it goes For everyone, :
Mutlu Noeller
क्रिसमस की शुभकामनाएँ
عيد ميلاد مجيد
Geseënde Kersfees
חג המולד שמח
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Anonymous76(24): @Cculber007: the shithead talking to himself again .
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Franky_Whiskey: @Cculber007: Ah, Cuculber007. The though aspie guy who yearns for ladyboy penor. The pleasure it would give me to see you fucked by some AZN penor-ed whore!

alas, I can only conform with laugh at your nonsensical ramble - that way, other anons and users can see you for the real fruitcake you are!

So fuck off and vanish. You are nothing anymore, not like you even where, anyways. Accept it and go fap to furry porn like everyone else does.
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Anon 23 needed Franky Whiskey more than the world.
@Franky_Whiskey: Sorry, you do not own this website but....they own your soul.
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Anonymous77: hey love-for-toons ......go fuck your mother!
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Good one.
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Anonymous78(24): @Cculber007: actually this site doesn't on my soul. For I have no SOUL.
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: You have one. it is called Dark Soul.
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Anonymous79(24): @Cculber007: you can it a "dark soul" . But I am soulless .
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champofgalacticretards: Your username is now Tin Man.
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Anonymous80(24): @Cculber007: not it is not.
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Anonymous81(24): @Cculber007: plus your attractive and successful African loving fag bastard.
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Sorry, you don't know me so you judge poorly. You deserved to be called Tin Man.
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Anonymous82(24): @Cculber007: and you don't me personally , so these are just fuckin words . So here is a suggestion I want to shut the hell up. And piss the FUCK OFF , PRICK!
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Anonymous83: no comprendo arte americano
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TrashPirate: This site would own peoples soul but according to people like love for toons we have no soul to give anyway, guess its powered by ejaculatory semen and vaginal fluids.
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Anonymous84: Everyone knows Santa gets all the ladies. The man's a god on Earth.
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Anonymous85(24): Hey anon1 speak English you lazy ass spic.
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Anonymous86(24): I meant anon81.
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: No one can be fucked off, Tin Man. I may not knowing you personally but I know enough about anons and their behaviors.

In English verison of @Anonymous: - "not understand American art". For you - Eso está bien, no entendemos el arte español tampoco. (That is okay we don't understand Spanish art either.)

The rule 34 is an international website, not American website. (El artículo 34 es un sitio web internacional, no sitio web estadounidense.)
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champofgalacticretards: @Decanter: Il ya un temps pour un réveillon du Nouvel An, n'est-ce pas?
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Franky_Whiskey: @Cculber007: I don't have a soul, attractive and successful African. Traded for some scotch. Haven't drank it yet. I think of getting it back, but meeeh...

>>@Cculber007: The rule 34 is an international website, not American website

I'll be damned. Never thought I would agree with you on anything, and here we are. It is, indeed, an international website.
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champofgalacticretards: @Franky_Whiskey: Well, I am a white Southern one so you want call me "honka". LOL. Scotch? Try some Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey.
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Anonymous87(24): @Cculber007: dude , your from the south ,and white .okay I'll give respect for that because i am a southern male from North Carolina . But I disriespect the other shit you saying.
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Anonymous88(24): Plus I drink alcohol because my grandpa died because of that crap. Never have never will.same goes for drugs and tobacco products.
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Anonymous89(24): @Cculber007: rule34 needs to a American site. Idoic fool.
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous: Read what @Franky_Whiskey says - "
I'll be damned. Never thought I would agree with you on anything, and here we are. It is, indeed, an international website." by way I am deaf Georgian and my aunt is from North Carolina.

The site is designed for the world as you see UK, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and China under Rule 34 in languages for the world? About 90% of images are from Japan as known as Hentai images.
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Anonymous90(24): Ok ok I get internional website sheesh , (evil grin) I just like missing with people lol.
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Anonymous91(24): Plus, I lmao hahahahhhhaaaha!
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champofgalacticretards: I miss Japanese women.
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Anonymous92(44): hey anon 75 your mother fuck's you with her dick for the whole world to see you dick girl bitch!!! >:( from love for toons.
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Anonymous93(44): to Cculber007: the same goes for you you "rapist". from love_for_toons.
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Anonymous94(24): Anon 42 is love for toons aka samefag.
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous91(42) a.k.a. from love for toons, I am not a rapist, I am a lover. nude toon women are very beautiful and they deserved to be loved, not insulted so you should change your screenname to "from love for hating toons".
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Anonymous95(24): @Cculber007: hey he pissed because perm-bann off this site , I think.
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Anonymous96(39): Happy New Year Go Fuck Someone.
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Anonymous97(39): Drop your balls.
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champofgalacticretards: @Anonymous93(23): Yeah, he didn't read rules and FAQ. I rather listen to rules and FAQ than him getting a trouble himself. I am here to love toons, not hate them and I don't discriminate what toons are doing porn or not. I mean Leela did semi nude in Futurama. all he is complaining what we do with his "religious" issues. Maybe he was mad because he was dumped by real-life girlfriend. Not my problem. I love toons, real life women, and furry women. I love catgirls more. "Don't hate me and Rule 34, hate yourself." by unname user told me in 2008.
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Anonymous98: @ Love For Secretly Spanking My Monkey To Toons: How else do you tell them that they're sinning (a.k.a. havin' a fun time)? Well, you FUCKING PRAY FOR THEM YOU ANGELIC BUTT SHINER! What you don't do is go on to a porn site. As to how you found this site is beyond my comprehension. Something tells me that you found out about stuff like this through word of mouth of one of your friends. Whom we can only guess what his or her hobbies are! Basically, you are guilty by association. It makes you no better. When it comes to the bible, you Christians on a scale from 1 to 10, rank a 10 in terms of possible mental retardation. There, I said it! I'm not religious (haven't been since the age of reason) but at least the Catholic's actually know what they are talking about. I know this to be certain from growing up Catholic when I was a wee boy (wasn't molested...thank Flying Spaghetti Monster) and visiting some of the local Christian churches with my parents. Must I remind you that Jesus hung out with those that that particular society detested at the time. That being whores, thieves, and most notably the lepers. According to scripture, he was crucified between two thieves on the hill of Golgotha. What you don't know is the book you so heavily refer to is NOT YOU FUCKING BOOK! The Old Testament was originally the book of the Jewish people. I bet on a wager that you don't even know how to read. It explains to as why you can't stay on topic (like so many other so your kind) and just refer to more biblical spew. I might even go as far as to call you a Jew because Christ was a Jew himself (I.N.R.I. on the crucifix translates to JESUS OF NAZARETH. KING OF THE JEWS). Have a good day sir and please kindly fuck off!
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bestanonhere: Anon98 is a fag
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Decanter: love_for_toons was recently caught making anonymous non-evangelism comments on loli bestiality pics, and then trying to make another account for purposes unknown. Probably a hypocrite if you ask me. We'll see how he is when his ban is up.
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champofgalacticretards: @Decanter: none of newies had read rules and FAQ. :(
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Anonymous99(24): I have been temp - banned from this site 2 times , read rules and FAQs. Now know those.but Anon 96-94 are clearly same fags and douchbags.
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Franky_Whiskey: @Decanter: Hope his ban is for the year 3000. U know, the other year Jesus MIGHT come to Earth (lol sex pun)
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Anonymous100(24): @Franky_Whiskey: you might die by then , never know?, just saying . Death aka the grim reaper has different ways of showing up in people's lives.
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Anonymous101(44): fuck your mother off you incest victim.
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Anonymous102(44): last statement meant for anon 96.

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