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TagsDie, Doug_(series), Patti_Mayonnaise, Roger_Klotz, Trollface, rage_comics
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Info507x666 // 121KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: WHat's frightening is that this is possibly the *least* fucked-up Doug 34.
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Tintin: Doug 34 is always the lulziest 34.
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Sen: I always thought Rodgers hair was bacon when I was a kid.
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Velcrostraps: Hmm, this image has gotten me thinking that Roger is the precursor to the eponymous character from Sin City's That Yellow Bastard story.
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Anonymous2: ^ lmao!
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Anonymous3: Why does he look like the fucking Grinch?
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3ario: Sen, that's adorable. :D
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Anonymous4(3): Oh noes, I'm raped, I must Cry.
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WhoreKnee: Roger looks less like he's fingering her pussy and more like she's giving her a reacharound and found a dick.
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Anonymous5: "Mayonnaise, I'm gonna CREAM ya!!!"
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Anonymous6: "Patty I got mayonnaise in your gina! Patty you're the Mayonnaise for me!"
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Anonymous7: "Time for me to spread Mayonnaise on your patty, Patti!"
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Irishlove747: lol anon7
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Anonymous8: I just got here randomly by cutting out the last three digits of the feature.

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Anonymous9: HE GON CUT YOU!
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Cancer: @Anonymous: gotta try that more often
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Anonymous10: so how did doug react after seeing this?
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Pakoniggy: @Anonymous: He got his show bought out by Disney where it died and went to shit.
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Anonymous11: Rape is not Funnie.
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Shedy: @anon7 Lmao

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