Anonymous1: I don't know whats more degenerate here:
The beastiallity or the child pornography
ib4 "iTs nOt cHiLd pOrN iF iTs DrAwN!!!!!!"
A drawing of a car represents the car, only the car and nothing but the car, why is this different?
Anonymous3: It's amazing they can come to a site dedicated to drawn smut and then preach about morality. If you don't like something, fuck off and find something you do.
Anonymous6(5): @traffik: A child's consent is not needed to make child porn as there are plently of creeps much like you degenerates who take pics of kids without their knowledge, so let's say you jack off to it, is the child hurt? No. is the dog in the post hurt? No. Is it still child porn? Yes.
traffik: @Anonymous: "A child's consent is not needed to make child porn as there are plently of creeps much like you degenerates who take pics of kids without their knowledge, so let's say you jack off to it, is the child hurt? No."
But an actual child was victimized. Even if it was, as per your example, a picture taken without their knowledge. A criminal act has been committed against them, and this fact can be brought to their knowledge at a later time. They can be hurt by that knowledge, even if they were unaware of what went on at the time.
There's no victim here. A drawing of an anthropomorphic dog-- something that doesn't even exist in real life. You could be trying to make a difference out there for real victims in the real world, but instead, you've chosen to make your stand here, on this. How pointless.
ColourCasper: Don't feed the troll. He is the same guy pestering every internet board with this silly moral arguments and will never change. Just ignore him.
Anonymous10: @AF-JS: (i swear hes probably done the mrploxy ones) sorry bout this kid @Anonymous: bro wanna stop spamming the chat, like no one was even talking to u
u have been spamming to urself for 5 straight mins and if this is SO BAD like u say Then.. why are you here? answer me that kid
just stfu hypocrite... @Anonymous: respect to u@traffik: @tom641: just ignore the kid lol if he hates it why is he not doing anything
The beastiallity or the child pornography
ib4 "iTs nOt cHiLd pOrN iF iTs DrAwN!!!!!!"
A drawing of a car represents the car, only the car and nothing but the car, why is this different?
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next you're going to say that violent video games cause people to kill real people
You can't drive a drawing of a car. And you can't physically or emotionally abuse a drawing of a child, or of an animal.
But an actual child was victimized. Even if it was, as per your example, a picture taken without their knowledge. A criminal act has been committed against them, and this fact can be brought to their knowledge at a later time. They can be hurt by that knowledge, even if they were unaware of what went on at the time.
There's no victim here. A drawing of an anthropomorphic dog-- something that doesn't even exist in real life. You could be trying to make a difference out there for real victims in the real world, but instead, you've chosen to make your stand here, on this. How pointless.
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u have been spamming to urself for 5 straight mins and if this is SO BAD like u say Then.. why are you here? answer me that kid
just stfu hypocrite... @Anonymous: respect to u@traffik: @tom641: just ignore the kid lol if he hates it why is he not doing anything