Farfegnugen: BTW: I want someone to show me where in Dragon Ball Z did Android 21. She's not in Dragon Ball Z? Then don't use the Dragon_Ball_Z tag, Dragon_Ball is fine enough.
Cliff_Edge: @Farfegnugen: It's probably because Dragon Ball FighterZ' main story, while having elements from the BoG and Resurrection: F movies, takes place shortly before Dragon Ball Super proper starts, and were still considered part of DBZ, and mostly because every other Android 21 picture is tagged with Dragon Ball Z
Farfegnugen: @Cliff_Edge: No, incorrect. LOL Oops, I guess I should read what you wrote first.
... No, wrong, incorrect. First off, FighterZ doesn't take place in DBZ, it takes place in Super, which not a part of Z. Second, Using Dragon_Ball_Z as the catch-all tag is stupid since that's not where the series started. If there needs to be one, for whatever stupid reason, you really should be using Dragon_Ball. And third, using Dragon_Ball_Super would be incorrect as well since she was never a part of that series either. She was only in the game, a side-story. That's like saying Steel Girlfriend is a part of Evangelion because it shares elements of the series and can be fitted into a timeline.
Noka: @Farfegnugen: I'd say the DBZ tag fits mostly because of Goku, but honestly I don't even know anymore. It feels like a futile effort to tag Dragon Ball stuff when everyone has a different view of what should be tagged.
Farfegnugen: @WalmartBob: Cause my point of view is the correct one. Goku appeared first in Dragon Ball, hell, "adult" Goku appeared in the last arc of Dragon Ball. Now if he was Super Saiyan, it would be fine, but it doesn't make logical sense to use the Z tag with this video. To me, it's like tagging Chun-Li with Street Fighter 3 tags. Makes zero sense since her first appearance was in Street Fighter 2. But if people gotta have that catch-all tag, it should be Street Fighter since that's what series is called. Do you see what I am saying here? I can get why people want to use Sonic_Team as the catch-all for Sonic crap since the series is more than just games, but tagging a collection of things based on a point in the series really doesn't make sense. I'm sure people won't understand why Wave the Bird would have Sonic 2 tags.
Am I going to change tags around, removing and adding this and that, just have Cliff or Retardee change them back, nah. Besides, there are over 16,000 images (compared to DB's 5,643), so fuck that noise. Someone with way more free time then I got can do that. But, I'm going to dig my feet in on this one in the hopes people will wise up.
Farfegnugen: ... Is the collective IQ of the Anon dropping? Granted, it wasn't all that high to start with, barely able to operate a lighter, but I'm starting to get worried.
ofag: @Farfegnugen: This entire argument made me notice a different issue: anybody else experienced the timestamps on posts working completely wrong?
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... No, wrong, incorrect. First off, FighterZ doesn't take place in DBZ, it takes place in Super, which not a part of Z. Second, Using Dragon_Ball_Z as the catch-all tag is stupid since that's not where the series started. If there needs to be one, for whatever stupid reason, you really should be using Dragon_Ball. And third, using Dragon_Ball_Super would be incorrect as well since she was never a part of that series either. She was only in the game, a side-story. That's like saying Steel Girlfriend is a part of Evangelion because it shares elements of the series and can be fitted into a timeline.
I'll concede one fact, Goku is in the image.
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Am I going to change tags around, removing and adding this and that, just have Cliff or Retardee change them back, nah. Besides, there are over 16,000 images (compared to DB's 5,643), so fuck that noise. Someone with way more free time then I got can do that. But, I'm going to dig my feet in on this one in the hopes people will wise up.
@Anonymous: Thanks for input. It is indeed porn.
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