LadyStardust: Obama on his knees and kissing ass is pretty canon. Not so much for McCain, which is why he lost, among other things . . *Cough.* WHITE-GUILT! *Cough.* OVER-90%-OF-BLACKS-VOTED-FOR-OBAMA! *Cough.* *Cough.*
nabuu: This picture actually tells a whole deal.
Guess why the US government is licking Israel's ass when their commandos boards and kills peace activists in international waters?
Because the "Israel" lobby (that's right, not the Jewish lobby) is spending insane amounts of money to lobby your congress....
That is also why the whole Israel/Palestine conflict continues....
Anonymous18: Israel is a country in Western Asia located on the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea. The name originates with the personal name (Hebrew: יִשְׂרָאֵל, Standard Yisraʾel, Tiberian Yiśrāʾēl; Septuagint Greek: Ἰσραήλ Israēl; Arabic: إِسْرَائِيل Isrāʾīl; "persevere with God") given to Jacob by God in the Hebrew bible (Genesis 32:28, 35:10).
Pigma_Dengar: Anon19: So Zionists excuse their actions by claiming God gave them that land? Great!
Time to make my own cult that dictates that all of Canada was given to me by God. I'm sure the US and the Zionists will back me up! I'll make sure to make thousands of nuclear silos and pump the fuck out of the land out of oil and uranium there.
Anonymous20: Yes true that Zums! Fuck you Anonymous 2, 6, 9, 12, DaHentaiGuy and Anonymous 19! It's true Jews STILL control everything!!! You're either Jewish lover's or Jews yourselves! Fucking Jews! Go fuck yourselves! And it wasn't 6 million only about 3 million!
Anonymous23(21): @ Anonymous20 : No fuck you !!! Kill yourself !! Yes Jews are responsible for everything they sure caused also the extinction of the dinosaurs. Antisemits = window lickers
Zums: @Anonymous24 Antisemit=person who tells the truth. Thats the only thing you jews can do, just go and call people names that tell the truth about you.
To anyone that is reading this, go to youtube and put in the search tab:
- Allan Sabrosky
- King David Hotel Bombing
- USS Liberty Attack
- Lavon Affair
- Jews Responsible For Slavery
- Judea declares war on Germany
- Fred Leuchter
Anonymous24: Fuck you Anonymous 21!!! Frigging Christ killer lover! Why don't you go and take a walk off a short peir. Filthy Jew loving scum! Hey Zums Man, Anonymous 20 here. Man, I went on to the youtube sites that you suggested... Oh my GOD!!! Scary shit, man!!! I knew it the Jews were evil, but I did not know that they were evil to that degree! Scary. Thank-you. For suggesting it and thanks for telling it how it really is. Jews unfortunatley are were and always will be in control!!! Peace, Zums!
Anonymous27: I object to this image on grounds that it is NOT PORN! Light ass-kissing upon the cheek without sexual gratification is not a sexual act. Since the persons are fully clothed, this isn't even soft porn and Rule 8 doesn't apply. If they really dug in there or give a reach around it would be another stroy. Also, that's a stupidly inaccurate depiction of the Israeli leadership. They don't dress like that. I thought the guy on the right was Benjamin Netanyahu until I read the comments and realized he was supposed to be McCain. And it's "kike", not "kite", you racists are really revealing yourselves as total fucking idiots here. I hope your jihadi friends murder you because you don't want to destroy civilization with them.
Anonymous30: not all jews are evil.that said zionism is pure evil and is intent on subjugating the goyim(cattle) it is the NWO,the 1% and whatever other name you might give it. btw anonymous 22 is a zionist
Anonymous31: ALL JEWS ARE EVIL!!! Anonymous30, but I do agree with you Zionism is (100%) pure evil. Exactly they want to wipe out the white man (gentiles, goyim, what have you) just like Hitler did in the 1940's. I could get killed just for saying that!
Anonymous32: here's something to look for. (I noticed this a couple years ago). whenever you have a jewish man in a movie, (generally a comedy or chick flick), the love interest is going to be a blonde woman about 80-90% of the time. -why? no traditionally jewish woman is a natural blonde. and, you will see the jewish man almost every frame of the movie, they're literally never off-screen for more than a minute..
Anonymous40: Yeah see I never got!^ People please listen to me. It's the Jews that are the cause of all the evil and wickedness in this world. They start all the wars, run the banks, run the meadia, rule Hollywood and the entertainment industry. They constantly oppress the white and the black man. They are racist. Against apartheid in any country except for "theirs" (Israel, discriminate against Palestinians and take away their land from them)
And are the most weirdest cult of a religion to have ever existed since the beginning of time. And NO ONE says boo against them! Because they're scared for going to jail if you deny the holocaust! And why are you sent to jail, because
they deny the holocaust? Why? For a thing that never happened? Maybe a small majority of Jews died but that's it! They supress freedom of speech and are supremacists and have been and always will be the real Nazis!
Anonymous41: All that antisemite jew hating dumbass scum should do the world a favour and kill themselves. It's crap like you who give people who are proud of their white race and nationalism a bad name. And no it's not the jews who are the cause of all evil but leftists and liberals. If they were run by jews why then do all the left wing liberals side with "palestinians" and are against Israel. Doesn't make any sense at all.
Anonymous42: Listen you ignoran fucktard! You stupid dickhead, filthy, Jew or filthy Jew lover fuck.!^ Don't you understand?!? Jews control the world! It doesn't matter if you're left-wing or right-wing, black or white. If you're proud of your race, black or white you are automatically considered anti-Semitic, according to the Jews! Jews are the cause of all evil. Not Liberals or Leftists! Read a fucking bit! Fucktard! Why do all left-wing liberals side with Palestinians? Mmm maybe because Jews are bombing them everyday! Saying that they are terrorists and getting white and poor black African Americans to fight in a war that they want and started! You dumb fucking fuck!!!!
Anonymous43: @42 Oh no Jews are bombing fugly muslim arab non-human vermin dirt like yourself what a sorrow. You are either muslim or some fugly looking christian. NO, not the jews are the cause of all evil in fact only "religious" bigodet non-human dirt like yourself is the cause of all evil. I spit on you and your laughable monotheistic fake god do the world a favour and die.
Anonymous44(43): And what should I read you dumb spazz some of your conspiracy "books"/ made-up fantasy fiction lie fake construct crap piles ?!! No thanks. Fuck off and die.
Anonymous45: Oh filthy fucking Jew!!! Why don't you kill yourself!!! See it just proves that you Jews are evil! (For the record I'm not a Muslim or Christian) You admit to bombing the Palestinians! But you do not care if you're bombing the shit out of people, and you wonder why people hate you?!? This is why, you ugly sub-human alien scum As soon as you Jews are gone the world can live in peace! Dumb ass piece of fucking shit! Go rot in hell, oh wait Jews like you don't believe in hell do they? Oh well just burn then!!! You causer of all evil, fucking fucktard fucker, burn!!!
Anonymous47: @Anonymous: I'm not jewish at all you fugly non-human alien vermin dirt do you really think only jews hate bigoted dirt like yourself ??!! And if you're not muslim or christian then why believe in hell :) As soon as dirt like yourself is gone the world can become a beautifull place !! As if it's the fault of jews that your brain doesn't exist and your parents are siblings :) Inbred retarded piece of nauseating crap !!! Please do the world a favour and kill yourself you fugly icky looking arab you are emetic. Go and bleed to death, shit stain, your whole existence is as waste as dog shit in the garden.
Urbane_Guerrilla: Simmer down, O curser of Israel -- yourself accursed, as your language abundantly shows: accursed, hellbound subhumans-by-choice talk as you do and should die by getting blown from howitzer muzzles -- kinder than the death by impalement your accursed mind actually deserves, that you may have a foretaste of the afterlife. We'll be a better species were you destroyed. You're making white people look bad, you know. Heck, you're giving atheists a bad name while you're at it. We do not listen to the accursed: we are virtuous, they are not.
Anonymous50: Well, well, well Anonymous 47 and 49 and Urbane_Guerrilla. You are all Jewish lovers and Jewish scum who deserve to commit suicide you rats and snakes as soon as you and the Jews are gone the world will be a better place! Shitheads, retarded inbred, ugly, dirty, filthy EVIL scum Die and rot, bleed, bleed to death you are all lower than dirt!!! BURN!!! FREE PALESTINE!!!
Urbane_Guerrilla: Y'know, you carrying on that way about Our Lord And Savior's kinfolks like that, says you're not only Anonymous and nameless, but heartless, soulless, and Godless to boot. You ain't got one solitary earthly or heavenly reason to be that way.
Anonymous51: @Urbane_Guerrilla: Urbane you are an idiot! They are not OUR kinfolk!!! They murdered "OUR" "LORD AND SAVIOR"!!! Until you lived in a country where you are prescuted daily! and mocked and teased and abused! for being non-Russian, for being NON-JEWISH! GOD believing "OUR LORD" believing (Like my parents were, I'm not I've lost all faith in that fucker!!! and his son!!!) Until you have lived through that, then you can have the RIGHT to speak to me like that! I have NOT any earthly or heavenly reason to be that way? Believe you me, I think I have EVERY RIGHT TO BE LIKE THAT!!! Oh and don't give me that, oh there's no reason for you to be angry or swear, you're not intelligent or smart talikng like that! I know how I feel! I may not be smart! I may not have all the answers! But at least I have something that you and your Jewish friends or Jewish lovers don't have and that is SOUL! So fuck off!!!
Anonymous52: @ Mudslime Anonymous 50 You are nauseating extremely icky looking arab fugly looking shitskin dirt who doesn't have any right to live. All you need to do is to get slit and snipped as bleeding as possible, dirty filthy icky fugly mudslime !!! Shitty arab spook bleed to death just bleed to death now !!!
Anonymous53(52): A 50 you and your fellow mudslimes or fascshit mudslime-lovers are lower than shit you are pure dirt and don't have any right to exist anywhere. Just get slit and stabbed and sliced and snipped and kicked to death these are the only possible ways to treat your kind of dirt. All mudslimes, fascshits, leftshits must get exterminated BURN JUST BURN AND BLEED TO DEATH MUDSLIMES !!!
Compro61: @Anonymous: Bravo. Though the world will never be a truly beautiful place because bigotry will always exist. That's just the way it is. Sad, I know.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: You have informed your public that you are the diseased son of a whore and an unfussy gibbon, and grandson of two more. Go and die on a chainsaw, creature of hate.
Urbane_Guerrilla: Or there's what happened to Saints Crispian and Crispianus; they made those guys into thongs pretty much. Then they did some other stuff to 'em once they really got going.
Anonymous56: Compro61 and Urbane_Guerrilla go fuck yourselves as for the rest of you Jews and Jew lovers you are so fucking violent you always want to kill. Oh that's real nice that's real peaceful. What is it you Jews say? Eye for an eye? Yeah more like die for a die. You're so blind and hypocritical and evil you can't even see it!!! May you rot in turmoil! You are pure evil! It's okay if you mock Christians and Muslims but no one can ever mock the jews! You're just pure evil!!!
Anonymous59(58): @NationalistFur666: Yes Israel is a fucking parasite! Where have you been all my life! Finally! A person who gets how evil I$rahell really is!
Anonymous63(62): I gladly invite you all people to actually read some books from respected Historians and stop believing in forums and youtube channels.
Anonymous65: How many Jewish movies do you know that are porn? Aren't it the Jews who cover themselves in most cases and therefore invite us to see pornographic images? Of course, not all Jews are bad, but Israel, the scum of the world, thinks that God created people of other religions to enslave the Jewish people! Why did he attack Palestine? Jewish citizens can live amicably in Palestine!!!
Anonymous66: It's true that I also go to these sites to satisfy my sexual desires,And I know this is not good. but I'm glad that at least somewhere someone told such a clear truth.
okay, search wiki for World War II, Germany 1933-1945, Holocaust, and funny hats.
Nobody in Israel knows what that means. Even the Arabs.
No education.
I pledge allegiance to my jew and the faggotry for which it stands: one jew eternal with holocaust and blitzkrieg for all.
...for teh lulz.
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Guess why the US government is licking Israel's ass when their commandos boards and kills peace activists in international waters?
Because the "Israel" lobby (that's right, not the Jewish lobby) is spending insane amounts of money to lobby your congress....
That is also why the whole Israel/Palestine conflict continues....
Walking firewood.
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Time to make my own cult that dictates that all of Canada was given to me by God. I'm sure the US and the Zionists will back me up! I'll make sure to make thousands of nuclear silos and pump the fuck out of the land out of oil and uranium there.
To anyone that is reading this, go to youtube and put in the search tab:
- Allan Sabrosky
- King David Hotel Bombing
- USS Liberty Attack
- Lavon Affair
- Jews Responsible For Slavery
- Judea declares war on Germany
- Fred Leuchter
And are the most weirdest cult of a religion to have ever existed since the beginning of time. And NO ONE says boo against them! Because they're scared for going to jail if you deny the holocaust! And why are you sent to jail, because
they deny the holocaust? Why? For a thing that never happened? Maybe a small majority of Jews died but that's it! They supress freedom of speech and are supremacists and have been and always will be the real Nazis!
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