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Nolifer: only black cocks are good enough for Raven
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Anonymous1: Lolno
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Anonymous2: *eye roll and weary groan* For the same reason why there’s millions of insecure little cunt-nuggets who use the exact same “eating shit” joke when they see a girl sucking black dick, rather than ignoring the picture if they don’t like the content. Nobody cares about your opinion and lazy insults, yellow snowflake. (snowflake; you’re being an attention whore, but you’re doing it by being shitty, so you’re made of yellow snow)
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Anonymous3: So getting away from all the idiots making dumb jokes, what the hell ever happened to SunsetRiders7 anyway?
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: By responding to that comment, you show that you DO care about what that person has to say, so much that you felt the need to insult someone over their opinion, while also being hypocritical by using the "don't like it, don't look or comment" excuse, when the same argument could be literally used against you when you see a comment disparaging SHITTED.COM edits like this, don't like negative comments? Ignore them and don't respond to them!
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pornismylife123: @Anonymous: racism isn't really an 'opinion' he can criticise them as he wants
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Anonymous5: @pornismylife123: No, actually, it's a fact, just like it's a fact that attractive and successful Africans have inferior IQ's and are far more likely to spread STD's and far more likely to beat, rape and/or murder their partner compared to White Men.
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USAgent: Excellent edits