Anonymous5: @Anonymous4 Shut the fuck up. The excuse of "It's hard therefore they did a good job" is how we get a constant flow of shitty products from people who refuse to improve. Something can take a lot of effort and still be total shit, and that's what these models are. If the creator truly wants to make good models, they'll take that criticism to heart and improve. If they don't, they'll be an immature cunt just like you and say that they're automatically good because it took hard work.
Anonymous6: Wow, Anonymous5, that reply was a surprising and disturbing diatribe. I didn't expect the vitriol. Okay, fine. You don't like it but I did. I stand by my comment that it takes a lot of effort to take Matt Groening's 2D animations and make them in to 3D rendered animations. If you ever check out this animators' earlier works, you'll see that he is constantly improving his art.
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