Anonymous8: @anonymous4 except she's in her first year of highschool, so no she isn't
Not that I think that makes it wrong, she's a fictional character, but don't try to excuse it by lying
Anonymous11: @Anonymous: Have you fully played through the game? You as the player only assume she is a 1st year because of how small she is. Being beaten and starved to malnourishment does that to a girl. Dan Salvato, the creator, confirmed they are all over 18 and 4th years (except Sayori who was held back)
Anonymous17: I mean' there are many territories in Japan and in many other countries where the age of consent is 16, but for the purposes of an international game the word of god has to claim that she's 18.
Anonymous20: @Anonymous: Yes it was to get out of legal issues but he still officially made it canon. They are his characters and I am going to respect that.
Anonymous24: @Anonymous: Why is the PaedoBear at my door saying... ("Let us the fuck you pedo we know you're looking at underage anime porn *Just a meme*) Yes i saw the comments they're all over 18. If they wasn't the PaedoBear would be at my door.
Noka: @Anonymous: She isn't. Seriously, dude. Play the game yourself, they make it pretty clear the girls are still in high school, and are not 18. The creator almost certainly is only saying that to cover his ass for legal reasons.
Anonymous28(11): @WalmartBob: Yeah, they are in high school and probably shouldnt be 18 and up, and yeah the creator did that to save himself from all the legal shit, but they are still HIS characters, in HIS game. Even if it doesn't make sense and is to cover his ass he still made that officially canon and I'm going to respect that because they are his to decide what their age is.
Anonymous29: to all the people that care about the dokis ages just remember these are game characters they are not real so their age does not matter stop making Pedobear jokes those stupid jokes
Oh heyyyyy there's new... Art.
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Not that I think that makes it wrong, she's a fictional character, but don't try to excuse it by lying
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For everyone saying she isn't 18.
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Whether or not it makes sense literally doesn't matter.
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