Anonymous4: This makes me mad because it's completely stupid to change someone's race for no reason other than "It makes my pee pee hard." and the excuse of "oh you're racist because you don't like that she's black can be turned 180 back at you when you consider the outrage over the Jennifer Lawrence playing Ghost in the Shell outrage because it's "white washing." If you wanna get your fucking rocks off, get it off to an already established black character, don't "black wash" a pre-existing character and claim it's "Progressive and you're facist is you don't like it, whitey."
ChaosInuYasha: Holy fuck Anon4, go back to tumblr. In porn you can make anyone anything for the sole reason of "it makes my dick hard". Make people shemales, give 'em animal dicks, make 'em underaged lolis, whatever.... Now if you were complaining about making an established character another race in canon like comics are doing and stuff, then yea I'd be with you and say "make a new <insert race> character instead of re-tooling an existing one for your socialist BS needs" but this isn't canon, its PORN. So STFU and fap or buzz off.
Compro61: Y'know, I'd like to one day actually sit down with a person that hates black people and have a civilized conversation about their exact reasoning. I'm pretty that won't happen, though.
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