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TagsAvatar_the_Last_Airbender, Katara, Toontinkerer, edit, phil.t
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Anonymous1: you know, more than anything, i am just curious as to how this stereotype came about.

i mean, isn't it a white guy who holds the record for biggest dick in the world?

it's not even uncommon to find black guys with average or even small cocks, and the opposite with white guys... so this stereotype makes no sense.

life is not some sexual RPG, dick sizes are not a racial bonus!
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Anonymous2: @anonoymous1. Are you just triggered because you have a small cock and your girlfriend left you for a man with a bigger cock.
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phil_t: @Anonymous: Trying to make sense of fetishes is generally a good way to make your brain hurt.
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Anonymous3: Not according to these studies.
On average, sub-saharan blacks are larger, but not by much.

I truthfully think it has more to do with two things. Firstly color and vascularity. Dark skin shows veins better. Veins make a dick look larger and more imtendidating.

Second, is why people with "jungle feaver". They are the ones who fueled the sterotype. Espeically after coming into contact with African fertility art which often portrayed african woman & men with exaggerated features, to include huge dicks, asses and lips.

Blame your people people man lol.
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Anonymous4(3): It wont let me post links, just google that shit
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autism: I don't believe black people's dicks are big, please try to prove me wrong by tweeting your dick to my twitter @realDonaldTrump
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autism: @Anonymous: "the liberal", is that another way of saying "a friend of mine" who definitely isn't you? Because, honestly that seems like you're speaking from experience. Look, I don't give a fuck what you get off to you silly cunt.

If you want to pry yourself away from the instinctual cesspool you call a family in-order to fuck a black chick so your child won't have flippers, go ahead. If you want a big meaty black cock up your butt, that's probably better for the gene-pool, so I ain't stopping you.

and you do kind of sound butthurt about DT, what's a matter, a con artist told you a bunch of bullshit that appealed to your ignorance so he could line his pockets with cash? Did you actually at one point believe him?
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jubilation_t_cornpone: report: low quality edit

Not a rule violation, unless it falls under rule 30. Dismissed.
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Anonymous5: Black people don't exist in the Avatar universe. Neither do white people

Also who are these people just standing around naked in the south pole? They'll catch hypothermia.
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Anonymous6: What if I told you black dicks on average are only bigger when they come from a certain time in Africa, and that the reality is in the US that white and black average dick size is about the same. Also before anyone says, "cucked!" Been with 3 women, all virgins, blood doesn't lie. Also daily reminder that doing virgins is gross because you get blood on ya dick. Seriously, get her to use a dildo or fingers or something first, because you don't want to be the last to know
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Anonymous7: Another stolen art by a Negro.
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Anonymous8(7): @Anonymous: It's what black people do, they are to lazy to make their own shit so they steal other art work replacing the white guy with a black guy because they can't handle that fact beautiful white women with white men.
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Anonymous9: you are all stupid motherfuckers
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Anonymous10(9): you motherfucker need get a life you all will type this racist shit and hide behind a computer screen because you know if you said that shit face to face to a real black man you would get your motherfuckin ass kicked ps the real reason a white women pefers a black man because they are not whiny ass haters
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Anonymous11: Holy shit this isnt what i came here for. You guys are overthinking this topic. Boner deactivated
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Anonymous12(7): This version is better.
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Twin_Uzis: @Anonymous: "ooga booga ya say thing me no like me hit you"
And I bet you unironically wonder why people think you're a thug
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Anonymous13: racists know that Katara is a DARK SKIN GIRL right? she's NOT even white, so why you care if she fucks a big black cock? Go and take care of your white girls lol
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Shota3D: *Facepalm*
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Jugganath3047: Lol poor attractive and successful Africans trying to make themselves feel more superior than Whites but thinking they have huge dicks, but in actuality they have micropenises. I feel sorry for their dying dirt-covered diseased ridden race. Wait I don't. It makes me laugh.
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Anonymous14: It is incredible the amount of whites pinky pales crackass cucks in the comments and they try to show that there is not much or no difference between the size of blacks and whites with stupid pretexts and this goes for the anonymous 1, 3 4 6, 9 and the last comment.
To start with, one says that the man with the biggest cock is supposedly white, that is not really true, in fact ironically he is a Mexican, also a black who is not in the winess records, the two whites who say with macrophalopia are an androgynous bisexual I think he was in jail and an obese man with problems.
In addition, that porns hire more black men with bigger cocks, it is because there are more on average, not because there are more liberals, because there can be conservative, racist, etc., and that is seen in several productions.
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Anonymous15(14): Another stupid pretext for white cuck (not that black penises are bigger is that the veins give the illusion that they are bigger) which is false on average they are bigger by height and width.
Another stupid pretext is "in the US there is not much difference between the penis of blacks and whites and only blacks of a time and place have the largest penis", which is also false even in the average US, although it is still large in blacks depends on the place, rm some places is a lot of difference and in others not so much, and actually on average blacks from anywhere, mulatto mestizos etc we have kas large penis on average and if you still do not believe me I leave you 3 studies of which even a pdf page made by neo-Nazis Alt right accept the evidence of the average of penises, just ignore the pseudo science where they try to relate intelligence to the small size of the penis, which I have already refuted on my website where I refute many data fake, here you just have to pay attention that even neo-Nazis agree with me when it comes to penis sizes where blacks are first followed by mulatto mulattoes, middle eastern people, caucasians and Asians respectively
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El_pajero: @Anonymous: dude I only asked to borrow a pencil from ya

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