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TagsWorld_of_Warcraft, animated, night_elf, orc
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Info500x500 // 2.8MB // gif
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Goodwin: Inb4 retarded roleplayers claiming "race X" are all sluts/cucks and "race Y" is better than any other just because.
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Anonymous1: I think it's more down the lines of sexually frustrated nerds.
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Anonymous2: Night elves are all sluts and orcs are better than any other just because.
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Anonymous3: So night elves are american girls and orcs are nazis/russians/koreans?
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Anonymous4: Man, Goodwin, for a guy who's looking at porn of video game characters you sure do take this very seriously.
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Anonymous5: AWSOME!!
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Anonymous6: Dread it, run from it. Orcs still arrive.

Thrusting their big green dicks into all your Alliance women
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Anonymous7: Is this new or is this just a rehash of some previously uploaded video? The thumbnail server isn't working well right now so it's hard to tell.
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AelvieFemaleBelf: amazing~
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Goodwin: @Anonymous: Nah, I'm fine with porn. V'seen it all. I just feel sorry for the future generations. They'll get to see what kinks WoW/LoL/Dota players here were into))
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Anonymous8(1): @Anonymous:
They'd have to be obese then. ;)
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Anonymous9: execute these orcs isis style
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Valeera_Sanguinar: Orcs are just better
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Anonymous10: @Valeera_Sanguinar: Problem is they're overused. So is the whole Horde rapes the Alliance shstick. It'd be nice to see the boys in blue smash orcess ass in the way seen now. Problem is, it's not usually done, no one tries this on the Horde races.....except for the blood elves of course. This image is great, but it becomes a bore after awhile.
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Anonymous11(1): @Anonymous: The reason why that happens is because alliance has the prettiest ladies. The only thing the horde have going for them are blood elves.
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Anonymous12: Sister, his cock is so hard!

Yes, sister, it's nice when they are hard and don't flop around like some of these other rule 34's.
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Anonymous13(10): @Anonymous: True, but they also have the handsomest men. Why not have them fuck their women? Why not fuck the Horde women? The Alliance may have the hottest women in WoW, but Horde women are too. I like the trolls, goblins, and even the orcs. The undead too, but most would complain about necrophilia. And the tauren....fur ain't really my thing. But still, five out of six, women of the Horde can be sexy too.
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Rynthalia: @Anonymous: Namely because strong, savage males fucking pretty, sexy women is a fairly common preference. On top of that, faction and raceplay is exciting to quite a few people.

Honestly, Worgen are really the only Alliance men I have much interest in. Horde men are just more attractive to me, personally.
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atozed: People also forget night elves were introduced to Warcraft ages ago as pretty vicious forestdwellers themselves, to the point orcs had an admiration-boner for them. It's just narrative politics that have kept them kicking at each other since forever. the whole 'savage orc x gentle elf' thing isn't really from Warcraft itself.
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Anonymous14: Soooo...uh, anyone know who made this animation?
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Anonymous15: Nightelf vs orc = This

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