Anonymous17: This is the internet after all. And their arguments are so egregious, like how THEY claim there's a conspiracy against white guys and that this pic is proof of that even though this artist always puts the n-word in his work. And if you see almost any picture where the roles are reversed, there's not a single comment about racism. The hypocrisy of hicks are getting old now.
Anonymous18: "OHMAHGAWD, he put in the n-word! Who cares that his comics are all about the superiority of hood thug attractive and successful Africans fucking beautiful white girls and mocking the average white guy who actually behaves like a proper human being?"
Anonymous19(17): @Anonymous: You must be like 40 if you still think necking is a thing. Also, your point is invalid as John Stewart is not a “thuggish” individual, he’s a green lantern for fucks sake. But the fact that you think that just illustrates your racist point of view. And this artist features all kinds of black guys from Barack Obama, to Usain Bolt, to Frozone who aren’t “hood niggaz!” There are black guys who are hood, but just like how rednecks don’t represent the whole white race, neither should thugs for the black race.
Anonymous21(17): @Anonymous: Actually on average black men are bigger, I think a west African country holds the title of being the largest in the world, look it up! And If you say that’s a conspiracy than there’s no hope for your soul!
Anonymous22(17): Btw this is still a NICE pic despite all the nay sayers, you guys should use your time more wisely and maybe you’ll be able to venture out of your parents crawl space!
Anonymous24(17): @Anonymous: BC PowerGirl is sucking down a black cock... if it was white you know you wouldn’t be here complaining smfh. You guys are too delusional to recognize your own hypocrisy!
Anonymous28: White Power!! You people are mad because White people are superior. Also this pic is shite.@Anonymous: That study is complete bullshit, in reality, White men are bigger and no, what you said IS a conspiracy. White men are bigger.@Anonymous: Stfu dwad, we are allowed to critize you people in any way you want, he isn’t racist and this artist is a complete idiiot. White people are superior. Fact.@Anonymous: He puts the N word in his work because the dude is black and it IS a conspiracy. You’re only mad because White men are factually bigger than you.@Anonymous: Screw black dick, we White are where it’s at.
@Anonymous: No, he should do a pic to where he gets killed by them.
@Anonymous: there ARE comments on them about racism, you are blind. Hicks the better than you.@Anonymous: Can all you n’iggers burn to the firey depths of h.e.l.l where you belong?
hate to see what backwards cesspool you hail from, then.
Please kindly go and neck yourself, idiot.
@Anonymous: Shut up n lover
@Anonymous: No, he should do a pic to where he gets killed by them.
@Anonymous: there ARE comments on them about racism, you are blind. Hicks the better than you.@Anonymous: Can all you n’iggers burn to the firey depths of h.e.l.l where you belong?
@Anonymous: White Power!
@Anonymous: Bruh stfu.
@Anonymous: WHITE POWER, Yoire jealous because whites are bigger.
@Anonymous: Sounds like you trying to roast even though you’re jealous that White are bigger than blacks