Anonymous5(3): @Anonymous⁴ perhaps because no artist is forced to draw characters by fucking a woman simply because a fangirl who dreams of being fucked by fictional characters wants
Anonymous8: The message wasn't even targeted towards you dude. If I quoted someone's message. That isn't from your comment it wasn't meant to you. I never said or implied anything of him bashing gays. Also most characters that peaple "magically turn gay" don't even have a confirmed sexual orientation. So your argument is mute. My post didn't sound merely as insulting as yours did.
Also it's obvious that straight porn is in the majority it's always been even you know that considering every day here there are at least 3-5 gay art out of an almost completely straight front page. Clearly you are.
Last note. Your name has a (2) to let others know your the same comment or so we can see you flip flopping on your stance.
"They made the Devil gay as well...I was hoping to see him fuck Cala Maria but nope! Oh well. Still hot.."
"Jesus christ, you people get triggered over anything these days"
Anonymous10: Ya know, most of y'all probably called everything "gay" when you thought it was stupid at some point but now that the gay community reclaimed the term, suddenly you guys are like "NOT EVERYTHING IS GAY!1!!1!!!one!!!one1!!"
Anonymous12: Not sure what I'm bothered by more: The whole shitstorm above in the comments, or the fact that King Dice's pupils don't line up at all to where they're looking.
Anonymous14: ^ everyone here but me does i'm not fucking arguing over an fictional character that's magically gay due to artists that have reasons for it
some artists can make fiction chars gay
its not your decision
its their decision the way they want to think the char is
king dice is probably not even a gay anyway
yet people draw it
this doesn't make sense lmao
can we like
drop this thanks
Anonymous17: i agree with 21. i mean, am i the only one who thinks that dicey is bi? that could solve this. seriously. besides, his sexuality is the same as every other cuphead character's sexuality; completely undefined. so, make up whatever you want, straight, gay, bi, pan, nothing has been confirmed within the context of the original game, so fuck it. roll with it.
Anonymous18(17): also, i'm getting a sence of deja vu
(this artist is better at pulling off the style of the game though)
Anonymous21: @Anonymous: Why can't you drop it? Sounds like you really do have a problem with gay people. Makes me want to know how many of your boyfriends/girlfriends turned out to be gay LOL who bit you in the ass?
we need more king dice and devil
Ok if you don't have a problem with it or gay art or gay stuff period it shouldn't tip you over. Either learn to draw yourself or stop whining
Also it's obvious that straight porn is in the majority it's always been even you know that considering every day here there are at least 3-5 gay art out of an almost completely straight front page. Clearly you are.
Last note. Your name has a (2) to let others know your the same comment or so we can see you flip flopping on your stance.
"They made the Devil gay as well...I was hoping to see him fuck Cala Maria but nope! Oh well. Still hot.."
"Jesus christ, you people get triggered over anything these days"
Hypocrisy at its finest
- Reply
some artists can make fiction chars gay
its not your decision
its their decision the way they want to think the char is
king dice is probably not even a gay anyway
yet people draw it
this doesn't make sense lmao
can we like
drop this thanks
(this artist is better at pulling off the style of the game though)