Anonymous4: Aw geez man, I don't fucking know why I'm doing this anymore.
Aw geez cheer up, me. If you don't do everything, you'll end up as a ghost.
Aw geez, I agree but this is just fucking dumb. At this point I'm just an assembly of atoms which could be repurposed for something much better.
Aw geez, don't be like that. Everyone's got a purpose, you know?
Bullshit.. aw geez you're giving me another existential crisis ticket.
Anonymous000: /4 speaking, I got an account./
5 you don't deserve to live with us filthy rats, you're godly. Ascend to whereever the hell good people go to when they die, you're a god now
"Don't look at them so much, aw jeez!"
- Reply
Morticia: I hope this isnt a one time visit....
- Reply
Aw geez cheer up, me. If you don't do everything, you'll end up as a ghost.
Aw geez, I agree but this is just fucking dumb. At this point I'm just an assembly of atoms which could be repurposed for something much better.
Aw geez, don't be like that. Everyone's got a purpose, you know?
Bullshit.. aw geez you're giving me another existential crisis ticket.
- Reply
5 you don't deserve to live with us filthy rats, you're godly. Ascend to whereever the hell good people go to when they die, you're a god now