Anonymous2(1): @temporalerror: Nononono. That kind makes you cringe right there. The right kind is a patch right above the clitoris. This kind makes it look like she has an armpit pussy.
temporalerror: @Anonymous: There's nothing as gross and whorish as shaved or otherwise ruined natural beauty of a fuzzy pussy. "Patch above the clitoris" is just another way of saying "she's a public toilet." Velma deserves better. I agree with Anon above. This is a 10/10 picture.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @temporalerror: There's some famous quote about the folly of confusing your opinion with natural laws.
One Todd Liles wrote -- I've never heard of him before either:
"Opinions can be very illogical. In a way, opinions are blind to logic. A person with a strong opinion can not always see the full truth. Yet, this person will feel very strongly, and be convicted by his opinion.
Opinions without facts most commonly leads to a series of bad decisions. . . .
If you want to stop positive communication, then speak only in emotion and opinion, and leave out the facts. The conversation will be one sided, and you will always be right. However, the conversation will not be productive or beneficial."
Certainly in your case, deflating boners on a pornsite would be regarded as unproductive, and not beneficial.
One Todd Liles wrote -- I've never heard of him before either:
"Opinions can be very illogical. In a way, opinions are blind to logic. A person with a strong opinion can not always see the full truth. Yet, this person will feel very strongly, and be convicted by his opinion.
Opinions without facts most commonly leads to a series of bad decisions. . . .
If you want to stop positive communication, then speak only in emotion and opinion, and leave out the facts. The conversation will be one sided, and you will always be right. However, the conversation will not be productive or beneficial."
Certainly in your case, deflating boners on a pornsite would be regarded as unproductive, and not beneficial.
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A well froomed bush is desirable. Not a jungle, or a desert, but a well kept English lawn.