Anonymous1: @Anonymous: dude, please don't bring him up here, he's not even in the fucking picture.
I mean seriously, I'm already avoiding pictures with him in it and he just HAS to pop up here.
Anonymous3: @Anonymous: Why does everyone hate Jaune!? Like come on he is not the worst character to ever grace fiction! I mean really he's pretty good character why does everyone hate him?
Anonymous6: @Anonymous: >Dreamer who fakes credentials to sneak into an academy way out of his league
>Bold and confident with the ladies, tries to build his social skills by stepping outside normal boundaries to impress the girl he likes
>Compulsively lies, easily manipulated, overcomes these setbacks by risking his own safety for the sake of others
>Horrible fighter, gives it his all to get better and achieve his goals
>Willing to sacrifice his dignity and his ambition for his friend's sake
>Loses someone dear to him and seeks to become a hero in return for her sacrifice
>Dependent on his teammates to a fault, he does his best to lead them using his wit instead of his brawn, recognizing he has faults
I mean seriously, I'm already avoiding pictures with him in it and he just HAS to pop up here.
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>Bold and confident with the ladies, tries to build his social skills by stepping outside normal boundaries to impress the girl he likes
>Compulsively lies, easily manipulated, overcomes these setbacks by risking his own safety for the sake of others
>Horrible fighter, gives it his all to get better and achieve his goals
>Willing to sacrifice his dignity and his ambition for his friend's sake
>Loses someone dear to him and seeks to become a hero in return for her sacrifice
>Dependent on his teammates to a fault, he does his best to lead them using his wit instead of his brawn, recognizing he has faults
What a one dimensional character, amirite?
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