Anonymous1: The significance of the Communist Manifesto. The Communist Manifesto, which was first published in February 1848, remains an essential guidebook for any socialist serious about overthrowing capitalism. ... Capitalism, they showed, must give way to socialism – the abolition of classes based on property ownership.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: But no: one should not rely for economic theory on a guy who never earned a day's living in his life, lived off sponging upon his friends, and couldn't balance a checkbook.
The necessity for eliminating the doctrine of thieves has never been greater, nor nearer realization.
Urbane_Guerrilla: When you have no socialist ideas in your head at all, and any ideas the socialists tell you they have have been made unsocialist, then you and everyone around you can be happy. It is not so when socialism is present.
The necessity for eliminating the doctrine of thieves has never been greater, nor nearer realization.