Anonymous5: Yknow, I kinda hate the idea that damien is trans. Buuut in this pic...somehow imagining he is, and is getting raped in his cunt and reminded that hell never be a real man, is arousing as fuck.
Anonymous8(7): @Anon 5. Even though I know this guys a fuckin troll, that IS kinda hot once you water out all the shitiness of that comment. Degradation is sexy and this pic is more than rapey enough to satisfy that
Anonymous10: @anon5+6
that is arousing as fuck doe im not gonna lie XD
i do like reading this art as biological male damien tho, since genitals arent visible
Anonymous23: What the hell. No one’s even being transphobic lmfao, it’s a porn site for pics of porn realistic or un realistic. Dick or not, it’s about whatevers’ someones desire is. What a weird fucking conversation.
Anonymous26: All these transphobic gay men in the comments on Damien pictures... You're no different than the bible thumpers and homophobes.
You don't have to like something but it's really small minded to shit on other people just because you don't like it.
Respect for others goes a long way and until you give that you deserve none yourself.
Anonymous27: Trans men = men. Don’t wanna fuck one? That’s fine. But invalidating them is no better than being homophobic. You can’t even see his private parts so literally just imagine there’s a dick if you can’t handle trans men.
Anonymous29: lmao @anon 28 you do realize that trans people...have facts about how they're valid and the gender they really are is valid even if it doesn't correlate with sex, right? honey, i gotta tell you some facts about your feelings. you're a fucking dumbass. gender dysphoria is a thing. facts don't care about YOUR libido. have fun knowing you're an actual buffoon
Anonymous31: @Anonymous29 Facts? You want facts? Ok, I've got a fact for you: during development in the womb, all brains start out as female, and either change to male depending on how much testosterone is pumped into it or remains female. Trans women were born with a brain that does not reflect their biological sex and vice versa with trans men. THAT is a scientific fact that can't be disputed.
Anonymous32: @Anonymous: woah, another angry snowflake. here we go again: girl, get your "valid" shit away from me. gender means nothing to biology. if your a woman, u will stay a woman. pretty easy, isn't it? now go to your homework. cheers!
Anonymous34(32): @Anonymous: oh, really? where did you get that? from some tumblr page, huh?
anyway i don't think you gonna bring me the proofs. keep drinking that kool-aid. yep. p.s. lemme fix u: there are no "trans-women", only men in dresses. thanks.
Anonymous35: Gay guys live for dick, that's why they're so damn salty. (Jk, thats obviously not true, just true for mr 35(33) up here.)
Self-identity is the very core of a person. If someone feels truly 'themself' in the identity of a man, whether born with a penis, vagina, mixy mound mish mash of both, or with their damn legs fused together, that is an unbreakable conviction. And that's what needs to be respected, even if begrudgingly.
Respecting someone's assertion of self doesn't mean you have to suddenly be attracted to trans men as you would other gay guys. Add it in with every other preference you've got of a fella; build, color, personality, education, health, religion, etc etc etc. You want a fella with a biological dick. No need to be aggressive about it. And certainly no need to put the guy down about it. Treat it like any other preference.
Also I know there's a lot of tumblr-esque people out there who will just SCREAM at you for respect. Let me just say. Respect is earned and respect is a two way street. You want strangers to respect your pronouns, assert yourself calmly and politely. Then anyone who doesn't respect you will automatically be in the wrong. But running around like "IM A MAN HE/HIM RESPECT MY PRONOUNS IF YOU DONT YOURE TRANSPHOBIC!!!" will get you nowhere. Absolutely nowhere.
Just...chill out. Everyone needs to chill out. We're all in the same big ol boat here. Different, but samey. Just cause you wouldn't want a trans guy as a lover doesn't mean you shouldn't be friendly with them or acknowledge them as fellow people who are subjected to similar societal struggles.
Anonymous36: Biological sex exists on a spectrum, though. We're not going to act like intersex people don't exist just for the sake of some transphobe who's knowledge of science and gender doesn't stem past the 8th grade. Men with too many X chromosomes, women with half formed or absent X chromosomes... and way more variations that are hormonal, genetic, physical. Seriously, if you're not going to consider the actual facts that biological sex is not nor was it ever just cut and dry, then don't talk like you're some authority on it. Look at the porn and GO.
Anonymous37: thanks for everyone trying to get facts through to these transphobes. Behavior like this should not be acceptable especially in the LGBT community. And to all gay transphobes, congratulations, you made a trans folk cry. No one forces you to have sex with a trans person, it's ok if you don't want to. Just stop being a dick just because of your opinions that are contradictory with facts and science research.
Anonymous39: Literally all of you need to choke and die while sucking your own cocks. Youre so pathetically stupid and transphobic. We trans people wanted rep but all you horny cock sucking pathetic assholes are stupid about it. Get over it. What harm does it do? No trans person screams about wanting you to respect their pronouns, if they do online, theyre angry because they deal with this shit often. Theyve snapped. Theyre done. Damien fucking Bloodmarch is a man. If you baffoons did any research youd know that chromosomes and genitals are beyond the point. They exist, but they dont determine other people’s identities. Fuck you. All of you.
Anonymous40: Can everyone just stop fighting? It’s a fictional character, and a porn site. Characters can shift and change according to the artist drawing it and their fantasies. If you don’t like a fictional vampire not being exact to the way it is in canon in a porn pic, get off the damn internet. And no, it’s not taking away your representation. You can imagine him with a dick or a pussy, who fucking cares anyway? It’s a fucking porn site, tumblr snowflake asses. Some trans people actually like this. And also, the genuinely transphobic ones that say trans men aren’t men can go choke on a fishbone.
Anonymous43: This thread is absolutely horrific. Trans men are men. Damien is canonically trans. If you don’t like the art, or the fact that he is trans, fine. But don’t hate on trans people for just existing. You are not obligated to have sex with any of them.
Anonymous44: Hot take: It's porn. The comments are reserved for shitty thirsty quips that make you cringe when you look back on them after cumming and realizing you sound like a hormonal teenager when the post orgasm bliss winds down. Lets all stop having raging debates and go back to desperately masturbating like we're teens again just found out we could, okay?
Anonymous50: trans men are men deal with it transphobes, you all are ignorant and live in an echo chamber because you are brainwashed and are exposing your ridiculous extremism on here
Anonymous55: I dunno...I use "male" and "man" and "he" pronouns to refer to sex, not gender. So Damien is basically a woman to me, even if she's on testosterone and had her breast tissue removed.
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that is arousing as fuck doe im not gonna lie XD
i do like reading this art as biological male damien tho, since genitals arent visible
- Reply
You don't have to like something but it's really small minded to shit on other people just because you don't like it.
Respect for others goes a long way and until you give that you deserve none yourself.
trans "men" = women. facts dont care about your feelings, sweetie :)
anyway i don't think you gonna bring me the proofs. keep drinking that kool-aid. yep. p.s. lemme fix u: there are no "trans-women", only men in dresses. thanks.
Self-identity is the very core of a person. If someone feels truly 'themself' in the identity of a man, whether born with a penis, vagina, mixy mound mish mash of both, or with their damn legs fused together, that is an unbreakable conviction. And that's what needs to be respected, even if begrudgingly.
Respecting someone's assertion of self doesn't mean you have to suddenly be attracted to trans men as you would other gay guys. Add it in with every other preference you've got of a fella; build, color, personality, education, health, religion, etc etc etc. You want a fella with a biological dick. No need to be aggressive about it. And certainly no need to put the guy down about it. Treat it like any other preference.
Also I know there's a lot of tumblr-esque people out there who will just SCREAM at you for respect. Let me just say. Respect is earned and respect is a two way street. You want strangers to respect your pronouns, assert yourself calmly and politely. Then anyone who doesn't respect you will automatically be in the wrong. But running around like "IM A MAN HE/HIM RESPECT MY PRONOUNS IF YOU DONT YOURE TRANSPHOBIC!!!" will get you nowhere. Absolutely nowhere.
Just...chill out. Everyone needs to chill out. We're all in the same big ol boat here. Different, but samey. Just cause you wouldn't want a trans guy as a lover doesn't mean you shouldn't be friendly with them or acknowledge them as fellow people who are subjected to similar societal struggles.
@Anonymous: except for you. i like you
@Anonymous: and you.