EkonBokon: @Anonymous: Not really. She doesn't "deserve" it; this is just about you wanting to see her with a man because, I'm guessing, then you can pretend that man is you, or whatever. Which is pathetic.
If anything, Blizzard did well to make her a lesbian, even better still that their cast of characters are diverse in every sense of the word.
I like Tracer x Emily, just as much as Widowmaker x Tracer. Hell, I've seen D.Va x Tracer, and it's oddly cute.
I can't believe this comment section, however. Or you, Anon 6/7/8 (TripleFace) for that matter. Are we really doing this? Just fap to what you like and be done with it.
EkonBokon: @Anonymous: Also, on that note, Anon 6/7/8: you do realize we can see that it's you, right? It's pathetic that you're trying to support yourself by pretending to be someone else.
EkonBokon: @Anonymous: The (6) after Anonymous gives you away, so we all know that it's you. Also, do you think that I'm intimidated about you bringing up your "buzz axe"? Not that I think you have one to begin with.
fishmonger: @Anonymous: Actually, you can't. Freedom of speech doesn't cover everything, and even this site has rules about what can be said. Just telling someone that you're under 18 will get you banned for however long it would take for your real (or fictional) age to become 18. Tell someone you're 12, and even if you were joking you get banned for 6 years... so no, you can't say whatever you want. Also, you seem like a very excitable type, so ... you might want to dial it back a bit in the future.
Witchan: I've forgot to mention this, but the other reason why I've commissioned this is to give the pathetic Tumblr (and from other websites) SJWs (aka Social Justice Whiners) the middle finger. They're big time hypocrites. They get super asshurt over the Tracer pose (RIP pose), and now, they pretend to like her for being lesbians lovers with Emily, the ugly wench. Also, they attack people non-stop for doing Tracerxother Overlook character pics and fanfics. Fuck them.
Witchan: @fishmonger: Not a fan of a few rules, but I'm happy that the twelve-year old shit is as dead as a door nail. Every time I read that shit from the old days, it pisses me the hell off. It's a failed/try-hard joke that only people with a few brain cells enjoy.
Witchan: BTW, a sequel of this wonderful pic will appear soon (I've also commissioned it). Tracer and Mei won't appear in it, but Tracer will be mentioned by Emily and her new lesbian partner. It's sorta like a counter-revenge pic.
ChaosInuYasha: Welp this makes me glad I ignore out of game lore for most every game I play. Granted I'm not a big Overlook fan(just like a couple of the gals) so I dunno what Emily did to have you all hate her, but whatever floats your boats I guess.
Anyway characters/story aside I DO like the art style
Witchan: @ChaosInuYasha: To be honest, I don't think Emily's the worst fictional character ever, and I think people would've hated her less if canontards and SJWs haven't shoved TracerxEmily down people's throats while telling people not to pair Tracer with other females (especially Widowmaker).
Anonymous15: @Witchan: I don't give a shit about ships. I'm just upset that as a male, I can't fantasize about Tracer anymore without some retard telling me that I can't because she's a lesbian. Emily has absolutely no personality, is ugly as fuck, and was shoehorned into the lore because Blizzard wanted to pander to SJWs. I've never hated a fictional character as much as I hate Emily.
Witchan: @Anonymous: Oh, that's right. Many non-shippers hate Emily as well, due to SJW bullshit. As a huge Overlook fan, I'm very happy that it's still super relevant because SJWs have killed off plenty of good shit in the past, making lots of people lose interest. A notable example is Kill La Kill, an anime from 2013-2014. It was mega popular, but it late February of 2014, lots of Tumblr SJWs got mega butthurt (over the top) over a Ragyo/Satsuki (mother/daugther) sexual abuse scene, and normal people began to slowly lose interest in Kill La Kill because of the over-exaggerated SJWs.
Another franchise that they, and Jack Thompson, a pathetic excuse of a human being, almost killed off is the Grand Theft Auto franchise, and as a mega Grand Theft Auto fan, I say thank fucking God it's still relevant as of today.
Anonymous16: Im fine with Emily. Widowmaker was never gay for Tracer and still loved Gerard. Fuck dykes and fuck the crybabies who whined about their shit ship. Anyone who pays money for cucking a character in a game is pathetic.
Almost as sad as the Naruto fandom and the guy who pays money to have Spiderman cucked.
Witchan: @Anonymous: BTW, I say still do what you want to do! You can't compare a male fantasizing about Tracer, a normal thing, to bad shit in real life like Hitler and ISIS(only delusional morons like the SJWs would say otherwise)! Hell, I've been paying commission pics, also a normal thing, since early 2012, wanting to stay away from bandwagon, canontard bullshit like TracerxEmily. I've kept spending my HARD EARNED money to see my fantasies in drawing. That's a great thing about commissions, too. Like I said before, 50% of the internet would be bleak and boring today if not for commissioning and r34 shit.
Witchan: @Anonymous: "Anyone who pays money for cucking a character in a game is pathetic." lol My current life's fine, dude, and I still have money. Try again.
Witchan: @Witchan: Normally, I lay low, but in comment sections like this, I have to respond a lot. I might lay low after this.
Oh, and a paid Overlook commission is coming up in the future, and I cannot wait to see it! It's not a part three. It's something else, and it involves my other OTP, three Overlook characters.
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"these r drawn pics of fic characters fags"
If r34 shit, commissioning, and whatnot didn't exist, 50% (or probably more) of the internet would be bleak and boring today. Try again.
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If anything, Blizzard did well to make her a lesbian, even better still that their cast of characters are diverse in every sense of the word.
I like Tracer x Emily, just as much as Widowmaker x Tracer. Hell, I've seen D.Va x Tracer, and it's oddly cute.
I can't believe this comment section, however. Or you, Anon 6/7/8 (TripleFace) for that matter. Are we really doing this? Just fap to what you like and be done with it.
Kids these days.
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Anyway characters/story aside I DO like the art style
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BTW, here's the sequel I've promised: >>2348563
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Another franchise that they, and Jack Thompson, a pathetic excuse of a human being, almost killed off is the Grand Theft Auto franchise, and as a mega Grand Theft Auto fan, I say thank fucking God it's still relevant as of today.
Almost as sad as the Naruto fandom and the guy who pays money to have Spiderman cucked.
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Oh, and a paid Overlook commission is coming up in the future, and I cannot wait to see it! It's not a part three. It's something else, and it involves my other OTP, three Overlook characters.
BTW, this pic still rules!