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UploaderGackt, avatar
TagsMarco_Diaz, Princess_Marco, Shadman, Star_vs_the_Forces_of_Evil, comic
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Info1000x2264 // 1.3MB // jpg
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Takumi: Marco can't handle the British Broadcasting Corporation!
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Anonymous1: Shad is now banned from my life. Fake hugo boss fake alt-right faggot can keep his new sjw niggerloving friends. Me and the rest are out, and we're not coming back.
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Anonymous2: Reply Anonymous1 I can't stand today's Liberals myself and can't stand shitty right wing faggots like you.Crying over a picture talk about pathetic.
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Anonymous3: Haha! This is Stars revenge spell because of Marco's constant cucking with Jackie Lynn Thomas. Ladies and Tossers, I present to you, attractive and successful African with a Top hat! That spell will teach Marco about putting his dick where it don't belong!
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Anonymous4: white dick edit pls
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Anonymous5: Right there with us anon, but fuck shadman
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Anonymous6(5): Anon2*
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Anonymous7: brown dick edit pls
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killmeaaaa: no resisting black cock sissy! <3
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Anonymous8: Why are you talking about politics on a porn site?
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autism: So are we requesting stupid edits now?
OK I got a list: a rainbow dick version, a less rape-y more polite text version, a star with a strap-on version, a black Marco/ asian guy version, and the view of the events as seen by a blind person version.

Magical edit faeries that apparently exist, go!
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Anonymous9: Oh, okay. Because we are tighter than bark on a tree.
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Starjump: I think shadman is a Girl artist . So is this gay or a girl thing to see guys taking one for the team , just as guys watch lesbain porn .
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Anonymous10: You know somebody is a career virgin if they come onto a porn site and complain about the gay cartoons being too political.
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Anonymous11: Why does everyone hate black cocks so much? Shouldn't even fucking matter.
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Anonymous12: Your mom disagrees. She prefers big black dicks only. Explains why you are white and your brother is Will Smith.
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Anonymous13: Because they look like poop
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autism: Nah, I think I figured out, all their talk of being master race just masks their inferiority complex and them calling everyone else cucks is merely a deflection so we don't realize that they are the biggest beta cuck sissies of them all.

It saddens me we are the same race, but don't worry when the new world order is enacted there is a nice black dildo and chastity cage for you guys while the rest of us get into a giant interracial orgy to bring about the master race , the human race!

Heil jeder! Heil jeder!
Lass uns alle um das Lagerfeuer sammeln, um unser Lagerfeuerlied zu singen "Fahoo fores, dahoo dores, willkommene Gleichheit in dein Herz!"
Nein, nein, nein, wir müssen mehr tun, alle kommen hierher für das größte Kuschel der Welt!

Muhahaha, Ich liebe Sie alle!
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Anonymous14: @Anonymous: Only if you're a genuine retard.
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Anonymous15: @autism: your nickname reflects the content of your comment perfectly
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autism: @Anonymous: 1. It's a screen name, I gave it to myself, I don't think it would be right to call it a nickname 2.yeah it does reflect it, thanks for noticing anon-sempai 3. I'm still right about the American Right deflecting hard right now. 4. why am I still responding on these threads, what kind of loser responds to comment's on a cartoon porn site? *disgusted sigh*
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killmeaaaa: sissy marco just can't resist. ♥
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Anonymous16: attractive and successful Africans!??!!?! ....
Is this a racist cartoon?

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