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Anonymous1: Adorable =>
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Anonymous2: Nico is male Niko is female
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: Niko is technically a unisex name, while Nico generally leans closer to the male side of Names. Also, Might I add it's not wise to start an argument over genders. it's pointless in arguing and making the other believe what you believe. And lastly, gender isn't that vital of a matter, especially to the point of arguments over it.
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zinc_zombie: @Anonymous: We've had that argument many a time on these Niko posts. It's honestly getting a bit old now and for a porn site, people are pretty immature.
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Anonymous4: Does anyone know if there's any one shot Niko fanfiction lemon?
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Anonymous5(4): If so could you post a link here please?
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Anonymous6: Kai Anderson when Trump won.
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Anonymous7(3): @zinc_zombie: True, which makes looking at the comment threads rather pointless in itself at this point, I guess