Anonymous13: Wow, I do not think that that works the way that you think that that works.
Where I live, I get to see squirrel's nuts all the time. Personally, I would have preferred to see this particular squirrel's beaver. On the other hand, love the perspective, the balanced execution of the artistic style and even the imaginative concept, even if does conflict with everything I ever learned in biology class in high school.
@Anonymous: Technically, that is a valid question, and if I had this talent, I might not choose this topic, but the artist did do it to fulfill a request, and we must consider that the artist might actually do mainstream work of equal or greater quality outside of this site. Just because a person can throw a hundred mile fast balls in a baseball game doesn't mean they can't go home and play catch with the kids in the front yard. So, it isn't a waste if people like @Anonymous: enjoy it.
Anonymous14: If you're having a bad day, just remember that someone fucking paid for this and faps to it everyday. Not hating on the traces and coloring though.
ThePostman: Furry is cancer, because wanting to fuck an animal is already extremely deviant.
Might as well cram a hefty dose of autism in there, as well.
Anonymous49: This image is how I discovered the featured section. I mean, come on, how can you miss an image of a futanari Sandy Cheeks vacuuming a car up her dick flashing on the side of your screen. It makes you double take in awe (and I don't mean that in a good way).
jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: The question is not why, but how. I've been trying to make mine do that, but it insists on outward flow. I've heard reverse air orgasms feel better than the regular kind, but alas, I can't confirm that. Cartoon characters have all the fun.
Anonymous75: Notice how she's sucking the yellow taxi. It's a subtle message that she wants to suck SpongeBob so bad, but a the same time the big banner on her left reads: "all things must go" making reference to the fact she can't date SpongeBob because she's a giant squirrel with a duck and he would never date someone like her. That's why she's destroyimg the city, so he can notice here. What a masterpiece of subtleness. 10/10 would gap and cry at the same time again
Anonymous80(22): People that don't like this shit I respect you all
But people who think this shit is normal, we secretly all know that something happened to you for you to be fucked up the way you are now
ThePostman: This image has the most downvotes I've ever seen!
People really don't like giant squirrel vacuum dicks!
I mean, out of what I believe, an image typically gets removed at a negative 5 or 6.
GG admins, I guess.
traffik: Great, I usually keep up with the new posts daily, but of course, the site waits until I'm 42 pages behind to become "502 Bad Gateway"-land again. Doesn't look like I'm catching up anytime soon.
Anonymous99: But why does this image exist? It's a blasphemy, it shouldn't exist at all, it's a mockery of life as we know it, this is the reason God doesn't show up and provide us with divine intervention and miracles anymore.
Anonymous103(89): @dan458: It's like shit buttering (sleepy cabin ref), the awful prank of putting a shit in a tub of I Cannot Believe It's Not Butter of your friend's refrigerated goods. By the time you leave you will forget the deed you have done as it escapes your mind. Then you talk to your friend weeks later and he tells you, "someone put a piece of shit in my butter."
You laugh because you remember, you put shit in butter. This feature is shit buttering at it's finest.
leacheate_soup: If you guys like this features, you are gonna absolutely love these two comics!
GeneralSinn: "EVERYTHING MUST GO...UP SANDY'S DICK" Seriously though, this is the kind of shit I can do without. I know the rule is "if it exists, there's porn of it" but this is the kind of thing I can just do without. My life has had enough what the fuck for an eternity...that's life for you, though, a never ending succession of what the actual fuck.
Anonymous116(22): @Anonymous117 oh my gosh you some person wasted there goddamn money on this piece of shit and the artist actually drew it
This fucking cuck
Anonymous122: Such a waste of skill. This is so sad alexa imagine if the latest meme - memes supposedly being a kind of organic subculture drying up and dying instantly when corporate media gets wind of them - was a reference to a chart pop musician's latest single and an item of consumer electronics with the feel of being an advertisement for both. That'd be so sad. Alexa play Despacito.
Anonymous124: @ThePostman: lmfao shut the fuck up dude, you’re on a site where you can only search for television characters, are you sure you wanna judge
Anonymous128: I'm not worried about the sheer incongruity of this image, but rather where do these items go once they're up there. Does her bladder fill up with random items?
Anonymous148: @Anonymous: If you don't like the image or comments why do you keep coming to them? You're subjecting yourself so you should just shut up and let people like what they want.
Anonymous151(22): @Anonymous157: how about you shut the fuck up
Your trash ass taste in art can't excuse how fucked and you are and needs to die in a hole
-7D4-: Humans are weird, no doubt this gets some of you off. Others... less so.
I just pray you don't live in my city and therefore won't walk into my office when you figure out that you need therapy.
Anonymous180: Everyday, something reminds me of the "Satyricon"; how one of the few, mostly extant prose works of the once mighty Roman Empire is a 'buddy-movie road-trip'-style farce in the spirt of an X-rated "Dumb and Dumber," the main conflicts of which involve simultaneously fleeing both the mafia and the vengeful participants of a party-crashed religious orgy such as only Hieronymus Bosch could imagine unaided is one of our only insights into the Zeitgeist of the military expansionist Empire that conquered the Known World, thus birthing Western Civilization, and the engineering-based Global superculture which provides us all with unprecedented miracles beyond even the wildest fancies of those toga-beclad ancients, such as this Internet. When I'm reminded of this, I think of how even the mightiest works of those Romans, now crumbling to dust in the winds of time, can not share their forgotten voices and stories with us, and even the seemingly Eternal tombs of the Nile Delta, as ancient to those Romans as they, themselves are to us, and to them unassailable bulwarks against the Vastness of Forever now too fall, even the prayers for immortality their god-kings carved in them almost reduced from signal to noise, save by the chance finding of one single bilingual monument; I'm forced to contemplate how the scant traces and shards of even more ancestral nations have fallen to inexorable silence, and how petrified bones tell us that Humanity, for all of the doomed brevity of our existence, has had time enough to spawn dozens-or more!-cultures mightier than theirs, mightier than ours...and for all trace of those powerful progenitors to be, now forever lost. It is the height of Hubris to assert that we are the First, and Only to climb so high, yet, due to the fragile impermanence of our mediums and the delicate ethereal nature of the electro-magnetically encoded data therein, all the great works of our culture will also be as lost as those of Oxymandias save for a few plaques, guarding buried bunkers of invisible death with "No deed is commemorated here," or floating in vacuume showing where in the Emptyness we once dwelt.
How tragic is our complacency that who we truly are, and what we stood for will be an unknowable mystery to any strange consciousness that might strain against entropy to exist in times unimaginable to us, whether those minds are our own descendants and heirs, or strangers arising, like we did against the impossible weight of Entropy! Who will tell those distant and, as-of-yet undreamt and undreaming minds-to-come of our furry mega-futa cock-vore, so they might truly know us!
Anonymous186(180): "Just because you are laconic, yourself, 193, stop looking at my log-o. It is a wall-climbing crime-fighter's duty to let a Bat hyperloquate in peace, Robin."
tyciol: I don't mind features when there's nothing happening, I just get mad when stuff like this is featured yet if someone PMs the mods about a major anniversary of something never-featured they'll ignore it.
jubilation_t_cornpone: @ThePostman: You believe wrong. The admins don't give a fuck what score pics have, unless someone is voting more than once on the same pic with multiple accounts.
There was a time when a legendary asshole took the entire voting system hostage, after creating 140 accounts. No pics on the site had a score higher than 10 unless they were Lois Griffin. All other pics, including all featured images, were downvoted to oblivion. People who pissed him off had every pic they had ever uploaded dropped down to negative values. He's the entire reason I became an admin, to get the fucker under control.
traffik: So, new "Tags" box on all the pics. It's not an improvement. Before, you could enter new tags on a pic, hit "Set", and you were good. Now, if you don't remember to hit "Enter" first, your changes don't get saved. This is going to result in dropped tag corrections, even by usually-dependable site veterans. And making the system more complicated will mean that the more casual users, who half-ass their tags but at least do something, just won't bother at all anymore. It's also more of a pain in the ass to copy tags from another pic now, and you can no longer make a small edit to a tag that's there, but is a little bitt off from what it should be-- for instance, if someone tagged a pic "MickeyMouse", no underscore. Before, you could just add an underscore, super easy. Now, nope, it's more labor-intensive and time-consuming.
I get that the changes were probably made with the idea that now, 'tag suggestion' will be available in the box, and that that will cut down on, say, people tagging the right characters, but the wrong way. But I don't think the people who habitually fuck up tags will stop doing that. All this does is make things a little more of a pain in the ass for the volunteers who fix the mistakes those other people make. As one of those people, you can trust me when I say, this new system has already worn out its welcome within a few hours.
traffik: Also, if you need to delete a whole bunch of tags, you used to be able to just scroll, highlight and get rid of them all at once. Now you have to 'x' out each one. And since the 'x' is at the end of each tag instead of the beginning, it isn't even like you can just keep your icon fixed in one place and 'x' out each tag in quick succession without having to move all over the box. I'm sorry, I know someone put a bunch of time and work into this, but that doesn't mean that it's a good idea.
Anonymous211: Do you think God stays in Heaven because he's afraid of what he's created...?
Perhaps we should join him... Or Satan, either one is better than this shit-show...
traffik: Newer changes to the site are mostly pretty decent. I appreciate the Tags box being changed back to the older design. Blue borders around the animated pics freaked me out for a second (it's a good idea, though). The thing I can't get used to is the "Logged in..."/"My Profile" stuff being where it is now. If it's going to stay over on the left side, may I suggest moving it up to the top, above Navigation and Tags? The way it is right now, the tag list is showing up above and to the left of the pic, which means that if you scroll down so that the top of the pic lines up with the top of your screen (as I often do and I imagine others do as well), you can't see the tag list because it's higher up on the screen. Moving the "Logged in..."/"My Profile" stuff to the top should take care of that, plus it just feels like that stuff should be at the top anyway, doesn't it?
traffik: @Decanter: I see what it is. The site switches automatically to that layout when I minimize the window (I like to have paheal open on one half of my screen, and the folder I save pics in open on the other half). Most of the time I'm here, I'm not in fullscreen. You're right; when I maximize the window the user info stuff returns to the upper right corner. Thanks.
CaptainBoomer: @traffik: You can put it back up top by zooming out of the page (ctrl+mwheeldown or ctrl+- on firefox). May make font unreadably tiny, depending on your monitor size, but there it is.
Anonymous268: "Wow, what the actual fuck!?", was my FIRST thought, and, then, I laughed for about five minutes! I like this, and, wish I was as creative as this individual! To anyone who hates this, you're probably an idiot, and, have so little talent, that if walking took more ability than it does, youd probably have to be pushed around in a wheelchair for your entire life. NO ONE HAS TO LOOK AT THIS STUFF HERE! If you're looking at this, YOU HAD TO LOOK FOR IT, at least to some degree! Then, after looking at it, had to decide to be personally insulted, and, come up with insults against the artist, who, besides the name on the piece, you may have no other information on. Wouldn't be easier to hire someone to put out work you do like, rather than getting pissed about something you dont, and wont, EVER like?! If I'd been assaulted, and, robbed, if I ever had to go near that place again, I can assure you, I would do everything in my power to #1. Not be caught unawares, and, #2, be prepared regardless! Sorry to be so longwinded, and, good day!
Anonymous275: I was watching your content for a while, Smudge, and decided that out of all artists your art style is the most shittiest. Fucking characters looking like kids with retarded faces of a down kid with unhumanely short limbs and other things, stop with your content! It's shit!
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Commission for Dan482, contact me if interested!
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I love it!
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Where I live, I get to see squirrel's nuts all the time. Personally, I would have preferred to see this particular squirrel's beaver. On the other hand, love the perspective, the balanced execution of the artistic style and even the imaginative concept, even if does conflict with everything I ever learned in biology class in high school.
Special shout out to @Anonymous: Great comment.
@Anonymous: Technically, that is a valid question, and if I had this talent, I might not choose this topic, but the artist did do it to fulfill a request, and we must consider that the artist might actually do mainstream work of equal or greater quality outside of this site. Just because a person can throw a hundred mile fast balls in a baseball game doesn't mean they can't go home and play catch with the kids in the front yard. So, it isn't a waste if people like @Anonymous: enjoy it.
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Seriously, how is this in any way hot.
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BUT NO we got to get some random gay shit and post it
Fucking faggots and queers
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Might as well cram a hefty dose of autism in there, as well.
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this image especially
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You'll thank me later
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I finally made it.
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Jesus christ.
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But people who think this shit is normal, we secretly all know that something happened to you for you to be fucked up the way you are now
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Fuck out of here with that gay shit
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People really don't like giant squirrel vacuum dicks!
I mean, out of what I believe, an image typically gets removed at a negative 5 or 6.
GG admins, I guess.
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>normal feature
Y'all are hilarious, per usual xDD
You laugh because you remember, you put shit in butter. This feature is shit buttering at it's finest.
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Im not upset because the feature is bad art. That's what the feature is for (as long as Franky is still graced with the pity gift of life)
I'm upset because the feature is *Smudge Proof*
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This fucking cuck
125 bececuase of me.
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(I mean the squirrel dick.)
No World Cup feature.
Futa furry crap gets featured instead. Makes perfect sense.
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Rule of the internet rule 34 states that "If it exisrs there is porn of it." Rule 35 states if porn of it doesnt exist it will soon be created."
This the embodiment of rule 34. Combining a spongbov charcter, futa ,giant, vacuum, cars. This is a great example of what rule 34 means.
Sure im not exicted by it but this IS clearly rule 34.
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You need a high IQ to get the E 🎵
But I'm a silly man with a small dick 🎶
So to compensate I rather be a pussyyyy 🎵
and why this image
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Your trash ass taste in art can't excuse how fucked and you are and needs to die in a hole
Perfectly Normal.....
I just pray you don't live in my city and therefore won't walk into my office when you figure out that you need therapy.
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Just why
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fucking why
Oh shi...
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How tragic is our complacency that who we truly are, and what we stood for will be an unknowable mystery to any strange consciousness that might strain against entropy to exist in times unimaginable to us, whether those minds are our own descendants and heirs, or strangers arising, like we did against the impossible weight of Entropy! Who will tell those distant and, as-of-yet undreamt and undreaming minds-to-come of our furry mega-futa cock-vore, so they might truly know us!
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Backup Server and Image Only go to etc, etc. = Cannot be displayed no common encryption. Emailing the mods is a nonstarter.
Epically underrated comments
@Anonymous: Wrong, sir. Wrong.
@Anonymous: Holy logorrhea, Batman!
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There was a time when a legendary asshole took the entire voting system hostage, after creating 140 accounts. No pics on the site had a score higher than 10 unless they were Lois Griffin. All other pics, including all featured images, were downvoted to oblivion. People who pissed him off had every pic they had ever uploaded dropped down to negative values. He's the entire reason I became an admin, to get the fucker under control.
I get that the changes were probably made with the idea that now, 'tag suggestion' will be available in the box, and that that will cut down on, say, people tagging the right characters, but the wrong way. But I don't think the people who habitually fuck up tags will stop doing that. All this does is make things a little more of a pain in the ass for the volunteers who fix the mistakes those other people make. As one of those people, you can trust me when I say, this new system has already worn out its welcome within a few hours.
Undo pls
Clearly, you've been masturbating to this.
How do you do it?
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Im gonna quote this out of context
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Perhaps we should join him... Or Satan, either one is better than this shit-show...
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and PINK!
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Just my two cents
*Cock vore (by the thing in point one)
*Featured Image for some reason
I can't believe people give their life savings to artists for this fetish shit. Artists CAN say no, right?
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Guy: Texas is dumb!
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This image gave me the answer
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Anon feels fine.
I want summer to be over
I want the normies to leave
Can we just move on ?
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Okay, this time is he dead?
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We've been scarred so much that we've become battle hardened, please.
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(not ALL the images tho)
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