Anonymous3: Y'know, the image wouldn't be half bad if it weren't for the fact that each individual tit/ass cheek is about the size of a fucking beach ball.
Anonymous5: Even with her tits & ass cheeks massive this is terrific and if she was pregnant then it could explain her hugeness. Now if she was being forced to ride Raikage IV while her husband slept (a spell cast by Raikage?) that would be icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned
cfster: Will there ever be a pic like this that isn't made by some attractive and successful African editors? It wouldn't even be half bad if it every single image wasn't stolen
Anonymous8: @Anonymous7 fuck up stupid ass lop. You probably be getting cucked faggot. Oh wait you probably can’t get cucked cause you’re a fuckin loner stuck on a porn site. You act like Naruto can actually get cucked lmao that’s cute but whatever fuckin hater.
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