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Anonymous1: I'm guessing that's Lisa's favorite teacher, Mr. Bergstrom, she presently riding, and, her friends, are waiting, for!
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Anonymous2(1): And, it SHOULD, be tagged, as such.
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Anonymous3(1): MILK, it does a Lolita, GOOD! And, with all the additives, and, hormones, that are milk, today, it also explains, the Adult-level Hooters, these "Little" girls, are sporting!
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Anonymous4(1): I meant to say,"that are IN Milk, Today", above, SAT(Sorry About That)!
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traffik: @Anonymous: And, I'm guessing, that, the comma, is, your favorite, punctuation, mark, since, you use them, in places, that, are, completely, un,necessary.,
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Anonymous5(1): @traffik: Re,ally! And, who, appointed, you, Punctuation, Czar, go,od, S,ir?!? Or, was, this, an, inherited, position?!?
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: you mean in "Malk" lol