11Angenoir: @Anonymous: You're right, I should stop, share my work, as I did on deviantart and e-hentai. . . Giving pearls to pigs is a mess, especially to the French and Americans people, who are stupid pigs, who love shit, and spit on real works of art.
It is true that the majority of the Ranma fanbase is cancerous. The only thing that interests you is to be able to masturbate yourself by forcing a boy to become a girl against his will.
But an artist who wants to create a dark, dramatic story, drawing inspiration from Francis Ford Coppola's masterpiece Dracula, and creating original characters, is just shit, and artistic laziness, Thank you to confirm that you Otakus of Ranma, you are cancerous :)
Anonymous2: lol omg really? Please get off your soapbox. This artwork itself is okay. The material in the art is trashy. The story isn't great. I would rather read Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula. Original characters? That is laughable. Guess what, when you Base a character off Ranma, it is no longer original.
I could care less about Ranma 1/2. I came looking for a decent Dracula related material. Instead I find this. The artist needs to go back and read the story. The only thing they got from that story is Dracula is a a vampire.
Urbane_Guerrilla: 11Angenoir would be better served artistically to write in French. Her English is still distinctly ESL, and the stylistic gaffes distract from the story. Get a master of English to do the translation, conveying the subtleties of tone, and even more accurate use of the comma. (That's not so different, French to English.)
It is true that the majority of the Ranma fanbase is cancerous. The only thing that interests you is to be able to masturbate yourself by forcing a boy to become a girl against his will.
But an artist who wants to create a dark, dramatic story, drawing inspiration from Francis Ford Coppola's masterpiece Dracula, and creating original characters, is just shit, and artistic laziness, Thank you to confirm that you Otakus of Ranma, you are cancerous :)
I could care less about Ranma 1/2. I came looking for a decent Dracula related material. Instead I find this. The artist needs to go back and read the story. The only thing they got from that story is Dracula is a a vampire.