WeRide: @Anonymous: Niko has been stated by Eliza to have an ambiguous gender. So, either is fine and the Rule_63 tag is not needed for this character at this time.
Anonymous10: @Anonymous: What if they're girls who like cute boys? EVer thought about that, huh? eVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT YOU FUCKING FAGGO-
no, i'm not actually angry chill out it's just a joke
Anonymous15: DUDE ANOM 11 WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK BRO THAT IS MESSED THE FUCK UP honestly I'm impressed of how you guys can see this stuff without puking but you do you I'm not going to ask wtf you are doing on this site
Anonymous16(15): DUDE ANOM 11 WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK BRO THAT IS MESSED THE FUCK UP honestly Im impressed of how you guys can see this stuff without puking but you do you Im not going to ask wtf you are doing on this site
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Source: http://elizavq.tumblr.com/post/113737817876/hello-i-really-like-this-game-but-one-question-i
no, i'm not actually angry chill out it's just a joke
what the fuck