Anonymous3: No, I've seen worse. But this drawing of him is horrible. I just feel bad for the poodle. That looks like trying to park a plane in a parking garage. It just don't fit.
Anonymous10: Fuck BBmBBf...this is bullshit. They even have a story planned about Fay and Miyu getting raped by Starwolf, like in this pic. Miyu gets it from Panther and Leon. Screw those assholes, I'd rather have diaherrea out of my mouth into a toilet of piss and vomit, eat it then shit that out, and eat it again than read thier fucking piece of crap they call 'writing' which is only an INSULT to any and ALL writers! I'd rather have a bull jam its horns into my crotch and swing me around a china shop and hope the broken plates and shit gets in my eyes and causes me to go blind than look at their horses-ass excuse of art! It just makes me want to jab forks into my eyes then feed it to some wild junkyard dogs, then go get labotimized so I won't remember such a shitty pic from a shitty company!
Anonymous16: OK, I have a couple things to say about this pic. 1) Wolf looks absolutely horrible in this picture. The way his face looks makes me wanna knock his teeth out. 2) I think Fay is more of a collie than a poodle. That's just my opinion though.
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Fay this IS horrible!
If I could, I would walk into that room, BLOW WOLF'S HEAD OFF, and get you outta there!
Because you deserve WAY BETTER than THAT THING!