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Anonymous1: first post!
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Anonymous2: Where the hell does anon1 think he is? YouTube? lol
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The_Guy_You_Wish_You_Were: Iknorite?
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Anonymous3: Kyuubit Foxtar and Childre Innarabita or some shit right?
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Anonymous4: Why the hell don't we have more Childre Inarabitta?
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Anonymous5: Foxtar may be a male, but I would still fuck him.
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Anonymous6: I REALLY wish they didn't confirm Cubit Foxtar as a male, especially after watching those "Last Cataclysm" fan-videos...and after fantasizing about "her" and Zero.
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Anonymous7: @Anonymous: Hahahahahaha, homophobes BTFO.
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Anonymous8: Remember Rule 63, though.
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Anonymous9: Because this lil rabbit fcker is male, and here he's drawn as female