Anonymous4: You guys realise girls like this shit too, and guess what, some prefer white dick. It's preference. Don't try and race bait it fucking SJW.
bblader1: Okay, come on, it goes both ways here. I think people are silly for raising drama over black recolors, so it goes to follow that all this drama over white recolors is just as dumb. A dick is a dick is a dick. And if people want to recolor drawn dicks, it's a free country. Find something better to do with your life. Jesus.
Anonymous6: Why do people get so mad over this, It's not a bad edit and it's just skin color. The guy who made it probably doesn't hate blacks and is just not able to jack off to it as well. Most porn is power fantasy, people get off to feeling in control amd you can't really do that if you don't look like the guy in the image. It doesn't delete the black version, it just gives more choice! And more choice is always better! :D
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