Anonymous10: I have NO problem, whatsoever, with this! Glad to see that, not only did Lisa, get her horsey, back,
She also reaffirmed her relationship, with said horse! Of course, Quagmire, MIGHT have SOMETHING to
do with her current situation, from just providing financial back up, to, performing, to key grip!
Also, is Lisa saying something in Japanese, or, not?!?
Anonymous12: - Goody-two-shoes Lisa's secret long time fetish she developed way back after she got a job at the "Girls Joy" riding stables during every summer vacation from Springfield Elementary.
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- Reply
Horse: "As you wish."
She also reaffirmed her relationship, with said horse! Of course, Quagmire, MIGHT have SOMETHING to
do with her current situation, from just providing financial back up, to, performing, to key grip!
Also, is Lisa saying something in Japanese, or, not?!?
- Reply
horse: *Cums inside*