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main image
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Decanter: Featured.

This meme amuses me. Also, yeah, console release and shit.

Honorable mention to >>2005065 for being quick and funny despite not being a dog.
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Anonymous1: That's what I call plug 'n play!
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Farfegnugen: The game system not too bad. I won't buy right away unless you really want to Bomberman or the new Zelda without buying a Wii U.
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Farfegnugen: Wow, I'm glad I'm followed that comment.
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Anonymous2: Everyone'a casually talking about what they think on the Switch on a pornographic price of artwork on a game console.
The internet, everyone.
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Anonymous3: So this excists
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: Wow, it's like people are commenting about an image in this "comment section". Quick, we need your might intellect to solve some mysteries.
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tom641: @Mr_Nahual2099: people have been announcing the death of Nintendo for over a decade now. This time the gimmick is "it's portable he, but it's not the PSP so it'll have games"
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Anonymous4: @Mr_Nahual2099 KYS FAGGOT
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Anonymous5: attractive and successful African
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Anonymous6: The slogan "If it exists, there is a porn of it" Never was so Right
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GR: so cute
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Anonymous7: @Mr_Nahual2099: lmao then explain why 3ds sold more than ps4 you ignorant tard
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Anonymous8: Why are we still here?...... just to suffer?.... every night I feel my leg and my arm..... even my fingers...... the body I've lost..... the childhood I've lost.....won't stop hurting..... it's like there all still there..... you feel it don't you?.......... I'm gonna make em give give back our childhood......
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Anonymous9: Really?
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Anonymous10: Internet, you never fail to amaze me.
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Anonymous11(7): @Anonymous: it shouldnt, this is literally rule 34
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Jorvalt: @Mr_Nahual2099: I seriously hope you're joking.
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Anonymous12: @Anonymous: PewDiePie, is that you? :D
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Ray98500: why
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samuraiidiot: more like Nintendo Bait and Switch! you thought it was a console, but it's really just a shitty handheld with a tv out
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Anonymous13: @samuraiidiot: Troll
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Anonymous14: That head looks like the nintendo switch tbh
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Anonymous15: I thought we came to rule 34 for porn not Gligar13-esque console war bullshit.
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Anonymous16: lol nintendo is utter garbage. Just another flop after the wii u
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Anonymous17: I wonder if you can use the controller/handheld on PC, load some emulators.
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SpY: Knew this Sloth wannabe dog would be a hit when I saw the image from tumblr, should have post sooner.
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Anonymous18: Looks better than Breath of the wild
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KaitoPiToo: How do limbs work like that without feeling pain on the knees
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RocketDog: Everyone's so butthurt that the Japanese nailed it again! What does SuxCox have? Halo and more carbon-copy shooters. What does PS4 have? Carbon-copy shooters and a half-dozen originnal ideas. Switch has no competition
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loliKhorne: @RocketDog: PS4 has had some neat-o exclusives thus far, such as Nioh and Zero Horizon Dawn. I'm quite salty that I don't own a PS4 right now.

Xboner though? Bahahaha!
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Anonymous19: Every time an image gets featured, there's always a show to be had. I actually made popcorn this time. Excellent work, comments
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Anonymous20(17): @loliKhorne: "Zero Horizon Dawn"

Mah Strong Independent Womanz
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loliKhorne: @Anonymous: Eh I dunno about that. I just know it features metal animals and shit.
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Farfegnugen: You know what another good system was. Wii U. That's right, Wii U was pretty damn alright.
@Anonymous: Looks like you could use the Pro Controller. But if you looking to use a controller for the PC, just get a XBox One Controller. It's cheaper and a bit better.
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Anonymous21: My reaction:
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RioluDen: Out of all the hot pics of Switch Dog they choose this one.
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Anonymous22: Bitch Switch.
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Sandus: Good one
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Farfegnugen: @Farfegnugen: And now word has you use the Joy-Cons too. I can see the Joy-Cons being useful for motion controlling, like all the stuff people was doing Wii Remotes, but otherwise, I don't them being as useful any other controller out there.
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Anonymous23: The Nintendon't Bait Switch for all your syncing, and bricking failure needs. Just $300 dollars not counting online services, and accessories. What a piece of garbage.
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Anonymous24: kinky me likey
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RocketDog: @Anonymous: Must be a gay SuxCox fan I'll bet! "I love the FIVE THOUSAND PLUS H̶̷a̶̷l̶̷o̶̷s Shooters!!!" And what kind of putz needs "online services" and "accessories?" I suppose a few more controllers maybe, but NO system comes with more than one controller these days!
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Gallows187: heck, my pc was 2 grand, and it didn't come with ANY controllers.

That aside, there are now 159 Switch images on this page, and like 2 or 3 images from Bionic 6 and Beverly Hills Teens, and I think we're back down to zero images from High School High. I know those kids are all in their LATE teens, and humans, so they're not really the target audience of this page, but still. It makes me very sad.
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Farfegnugen: @Gallows187: Well, one is the new hotness and two from years ago that most people forgot about. You're a human, you can figure out why one is more popular than the other.
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Anonymous25: Why are the featured picture always stupid shit like this
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Anonymous26: @Mr_Nahual2099

Didn't anyone ever tell you if you can't say something nice , don't say anything? please, do everyone a favor and stop trying to start flame-wars on erotic sites. go do that shit on Reddit or something IDK.
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Farfegnugen: Why are people surprised that there are comments about the image in the comment section? Do they think it will or should be, "Oh, that's hot." or "I'll fap to that." Pretty naive, right Anon26. Nah, Mr.Nahual welcome to be wrong all he wants.
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Anonymous27: The Switch is hot, but nothing can top the fappability of the Nokia N-Gage
Damn, just saying the name is getting me horny...
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KeybladeMaster22: Sucks for the people that bought it at launch with all the glitching and the bricking.
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Anonymous28: It's a dog
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Anonymous29(17): So apparently if you play a lot of games on this don't expect your progress to matter much, the saves are not meant for long term storage or backup. And if something breaks and wipes memory, start new game is your only option.
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Anonymous30: @loliKhorne: I don't need any exclusives on the Xbox when I already have 100 games I haven't fucking finished yet.
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Anonymous31: you guys are sickers :/
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Anonymous32: i always thought the switch-dog looked utterly retarded, the disastrous launch of the console concretised that belief.
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Anonymous33: We always wondered if trains had sperm, but now we know that anthropomorphic videogame consoles have sperm!
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RioluDen: Anonymous33 is right
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Anonymous34: ????
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Anonymous35: If you all are gonna argue about a console on porn, at least try to have a good argument. Yeah, it's glitchy. Should it be? No. Is it something they can test every single console that they put out? Not really. Don't shit on people for getting it Just because its popular to shit on Nintendo.
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Anonymous36(23): @Anonymous: Dogshit excuse.
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PirateTetra: burn this with fire
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Anonymous37: Frankly, I would prefer to have the 4DS than the Bait & Switch.
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Anonymous38: @Anonymous: Lmao are we really criticizing games simply for having female leads now? Oh boy, what an age we live in. /s
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Franky_Whiskey: I really don't care what bullshit console Nintendo cooks up next. What I care is what games they're pushing. Haven't seen anything that new since fucking Splatoon.

@RocketDog: Only a huge cock gobbling semen goblin faggot cares and buys into the "console war" bullshit. What a cuck attractive and successful African cashjew you are.
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Anonymous39: @Franky_Whiskey well arms then was announced
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: It's new in quotes, but you can play Wii Sports Boxing and get the same kind of thing.
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Anonymous40: The autism is strong when people are having a damn console war on a porn drawing of the dog version of the switch, stay classy internet.
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Anonymous41: This... is actually pretty hot.
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Anonymous42: Really? Video Game console R34? I sense the end of the world is upon us.
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: Let me tell you about console-tans.
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Anonymous43: More like Nintendo "Birch"
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Anonymous44(43): I meant "Bitch"
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Anonymous45: This is a pretty good picture actually.
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Anonymous46: What the fuck is wrong with people
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Anonymous47: @Mr_Nahual2099: Take the shitposting to 4chan and let people fap in peace, you faggot.
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FierceWendigo: @Mr_Nahual2099: I was in that boat too, bad mouthing something I knew little about, I looked into Nintendo a bit (which I recommend) the Nintendo DS is in second place with 154Mil sold internationally (PS2 takes 1st), so naturally after looking into this, I got the switch... This console IS awesome, the integration between handheld and stationary is seamless and the graphics processor is about an Xbox One (pre 1S) on the dock, off the dock is about an XB360 also...

...I can't get enough of this Switch Dog shit, it's too fuck'n funny and this picture along with a few dozen on R34 are actually pretty hot, no lie... I fapped!! LMFAO
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Anonymous48: @FierceWendigo lol
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Anonymous49: This is why we will never have the second coming of christ
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cayan: @Anonymous: yes it does bitch and its awesome
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Anonymous50: has anyone made a "nintendogs" joke yet because
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Anonymous51: Out of the 150+ switch dog porn pics, this inferior one was featured
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Anonymous52(15): Can we feature something else I'm sick of hearing people discuss the switch.
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Nightweaver20xx: Remember Nintendog-- FUCK.
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Anonymous54: Why and how is this a thing!?
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Anonymous55: HD Rumble
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Anonymous56: When ever something is system porn related then there will be a console war
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RocketDog: @Anonymous: BUT IT'S A DOG AND DOGS ARE SUPERIOR!!! Superior to what you ask? EVERYTHING!!! The fact that the "Switch" mascot is a doggy only increases my love for it 100 fold. And if you don't like it and want to die, then you had better DO IT and decrease the surplus population!;D
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RocketDog: @Anonymous: How though?! There are no mascots for the SuxCox and the PS4!
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PirateTetra: theres porn of a console which literally released a week ago what the fuck
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SecretFapper: @PirateTetra: You must be new.
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Anonymous58: lol
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Anonymous59: I'm getting one only after a pricedrop. Until then, more decent (long-term) reviews will surface. Right now, people are still exploring the console and do premature reviews.
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Anonymous60: Holy shit. I just figured out that this is a Nintendo Switch...
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Anonymous61: @PirateTetra The was porn of it Loooooong before it realeased.
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Anonymous62: i respect everyone's opinion :)
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Anonymous63: Why the fuck is it still on featured page
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Rat: @Anonymous: Lazy admins.
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Decanter: @Rat: @Anonymous: 9 days isn't really an unreasonable amount of time to leave a feature. There are 888 pics in the featured image tag if you want more to look at.
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Rat: @Decanter: Stop being lazy though. Someone else must've died by now.
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Anonymous64: this is just wrong
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Farfegnugen: @d34thcock: Funny comment man. Had me laughing my ass off.
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Anonymous65(17): @d34thcock: You must use a mirror to masturbate, clearly its the only thing that gets you off.
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Anonymous66: i came here to masturbate
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Anonymous67: @tom641: But Danganronpa 2 though
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Anonymous68(67): @d34thcock: Hello over entitled shithead. How are you?
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junior194: No exceptions?
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Anonymous69: You're welcome, next Anonymous poster.
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Decanter: @Rat pls
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SuperEpicClay: god is dead
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Anonymous70: This is severely upsetting. Now I am disappointed to be human.
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Anonymous71: This is so disgusting
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Anonymous72: Actually, how many people are on this fucking site viewing this crap? It's a fucking console and a crap one. Why didn't they make one for PS4 or the XBOX or idk... 3DS??? Fucking weird man.
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: Search for them. They are there. All three you mentioned got porn of them.
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IHaveAntsInMyAnus: doggy pussay
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AnthropormorphicCat: Four blackish nipples then two neon colored nipples.
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Anonymous73: the fuck even?!
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Rat: Anyone know who died recently? Without paheal features being up to date I am lost and confused in all current events, especially celebrity deaths.

pls halp paheal
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traffik: @Rat: Really hasn't been anyone big since Bill Paxton, unless you count Judge Wapner, and even that was a couple of weeks ago.
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Farfegnugen: @Rat: Dude, chill. We don't need a new image every day. Is the image of the goofy looking dog upsetting you?
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Rat: @traffik: That's somewhat comforting but I think a new feature letting us know everything is fine and there is no need to worry would help calm my nerves.

@Farfegnugen: Nah, I just feel things might be happening in the world and I'm missing out. Paheal's featured image is my only source of news after all.
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Anonymous74(22): Fucks Zelda.
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Anonymous75(22): Leprechaun.
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Farfegnugen: @Rat: Nothing going on except the same old shit. Listen to the news, follow some guy in the know on Twitter, Facebook news feed. This isn't the 1800's where you find out about stuff months ago. Much like the Daily Show, if this is your only source of news, you are doing it wrong.

Damn man, this is how Trump won.
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Anonymous76(17): @Farfegnugen:
nawh, I'm with Rat on this one, this is also my only source of information on any events that are newsworthy. "If its not on Rule34 its not News" is my motto. that and "one in the pink two in the stink"
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Rat: @Farfegnugen: I already have something vastly superior to all of those combined; the Paheal featured image, it's all the news I need and all the news I want.

And Trump won because a vast majority of americans are dumber than shit. That entire continent needs someone wildly incompetent like Trump at the helm to steer it into the abyss where it belongs once and for all.

@Anonymous: Greetings, kindred spirit.
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Farfegnugen: @Decanter: Can you give me control of feature images for like a month? I want to make some news.
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Anonymous77: y.
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Decanter: @Farfegnugen: you are fake news
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Farfegnugen: @Decanter: I'm Trump's #1 New Source. BTW: The Moon is full of gouda and dead aliens. Alex Jones is my source.
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Anonymous78: Why is everyone so butthurt?
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Anonymous79: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: Because paheal is /v/ in disguise.
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Anonymous80: Furries will cause the downfall of society.
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Anonymous81: Wtf is this comment section????_
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Anonymous82(81): Consoles are all shit anyway unless they have good games that run smoothly.
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Anonymous83: I hate this
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Anonymous84: ooh nice fortune cookie
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betterthannothing: pretty hilarious googling switch dog first page comes up this
kill me now
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Anonymous85(22): Information there on St. Patricks Day Iron Fist sucked Later.
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Anonymous86(42): You all need to know this: it doesn't matter if it's gimmicky as all hell, it doesn't matter if will help or harm Nintendo, and it doesn't matter about how you think about the system. The only describable thing about this is that it's a Rule Thirty-Foured(yes, I said it as words, not numbers) image of the newest cash-cow console for Nintendo.
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Farfegnugen: Figured we would get a Saint Pat's Day image for today.
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Anonymous87: Is girl or boi
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Anonymous88: @Farfegnugen: I hear ya, like >>2133226. Paheal, I am disappoint.
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Anonymous89: change this shit already
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Anonymous90: I like the switch
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Anonymous91: Im the 93 comment!
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Gnuels: cool af attractive and successful African
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Anonymous92: On the Nintendo Switch... Dick

I'll see myself out
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Anonymous93: How did I get here? An argument in a porn site XD
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Anonymous94(22): If you saw it on Rebels guess Darth Maul got killed like bitch by Obiwon lamest of there.
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Anonymous95: :c
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Anonymous96(95): Ohhhhh FUCK O_o
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Anonymous97: Why not?
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Anonymous98: What the hell? I mean, I know there's no exceptions but... Just what the hell?
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Anonymous99: It took me an hour to figure out this was the Nintendo switch XD
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RocketDog: @Franky_Whiskey: Anyone that uses the "word" "cuck" is a TREMENDOUS faggot, so I no longer value your opinion and I have lost ALL respect for you. You might as well be anon1.
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RocketDog: @Anonymous: Awesome!X'D
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Farfegnugen: @RocketDog: CUCK. Now that I have you attention, no one gives a shit about your opinion or respect.
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Anonymous100: fuck
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Rat: @RocketDog: user image
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Anonymous101: lazy ass admins change this shit already
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Anonymous102: This comment section wild fam. Like fuck.
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Anonymous103(17): @RocketDog: what do they put into water these days to make such entitled little shitheads like you? is it the Twitters and shit?
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Anonymous104: why is this still featured?
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Anonymous105: I have no idea why i'm here.
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SPLA_T00N: @Anonymous: Sir! When will GTA 6 come out!?
Your brilliat observations must lead us to the answers!
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Anonymous106: It's been 17 days, and counting.
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Anonymous107: N I C E
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Anonymous108: dat switch
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Franky_Whiskey: @RocketDog: Go back to masturbate dogs, RocketDog.
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Sodomius: How Versatile
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Anonymous109: Jews did 9/11
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Anonymous110: @Mr_Nahual2099: Ha, fucking dumbass.
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kirikittn: Let's not overlook the subtle genius of the artist for making the controller's LEDs into the bitch's teats.
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samuraiidiot: Approved by a nerd in his shoe!
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Anonymous111: Wait until game systems are designed so that people can "plug in" directly! This will seem tame and bland, compared to the repercussions and carpal tunnel syndrome suites that'll be busting out, then!

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