Anonymous1: @Anon14: The fucking picture on tumblr is literally tagged "Anti SJW." I'm sorry, the anti SJW crowd is literally just as obnoxious as the SJW's. If both sides could kindly piss off and go bitch at each other and leave their horrible opinions out of porn, that'd be lovely. Also, that OC looks like she should be in the stocks too.
Anonymous4: You mean the phobias that SJW have right? The comment of being sexually phobic is the same one they use when they call you a cis shitlord for not wanting to have sex with a tranny.
But its nice to see so many pansies getting triggered by this, good job artist.
Chef_Retardee: What you fail to realize anons is that the only way to beat the SJWs is to be exactly as annoying and obnoxious as they are, I mean an eye for an eye always works right?
Anon14: @Anonymous: I don't go to tumblr for a reason, and this pic goes WAY beyond "anti-SJW". You don't gotta use the phrase "meat toilets" for that, "bitch, wipe yourself off and get me a sandwich" is all you need.
Bigbossd: As an anti-swj i love this image on 2 levels.
1) its nice porn
2) fuck swj's and their made up genders.
I can see youre getting a lot of hate. But i for one would love to see more. Great job!
RogerTheRabbit: @Anonymous: it never works for hippie losers, but it works well enough for most, like just try deny Gandhi his tribute and you'll burn in radioactive fire.
Anonymous10: Just trying to see a Overlook artwork but all the sudden. You anons ruined it with your Anti-SJWs shit posting. No wonder /b/ is now used for the ill duce.
Anonymous11: I understand humor is subjective but this is fucking hilarious. If you don't find it funny then get over it there is much worse. Just masterbate and move on
Anonymous12: @BlueStrikerBomber: They're SJWs. They don't understand the word joke. The only things they can think are "FUCK CIS", "FUCK TRUMP, and "DEATH TO PENISES". Don't try to rationalize with them. They will just think you are attacking their gender or some shit.
Anonymous13: I'll be honest...I can honestly do without the racist slurs, but I'll let it slide seeing as it is to triggers a bunch of cry-bullies who want to be able to attack you just because your a "Nazi," (ie. you have an opinion that is different than theirs) and actually don't see that what they are doing is the same tactics a Nazi would most likely use
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But its nice to see so many pansies getting triggered by this, good job artist.
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@Chef Retardee Sometimes it does, yes... when dealing with idiots who reject logic, like SJWs, for instance.
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1) its nice porn
2) fuck swj's and their made up genders.
I can see youre getting a lot of hate. But i for one would love to see more. Great job!
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This is just a picture poking fun at SJWs, it's all fiction, there's no need to fear that I want to cause a Third Reich, etc.
It's okay to dislike my work, but calm down, it's just a joke.