Anonymous3: The only thing that kills this picture is the fact that there are two idiots who want only a certain character to be done. Ever hear of variety of characters? Clearly not. This isn't wasted art either. Not one bit, hell I wish I was this good. Freako can do whatever just don't demand a certain character be done. IT WON'T HAPPEN!
Tenchi2k: actully there are 3 girls he is good at drawing. you haters are the ones that fail to understand that. its still a waste of a good artists time to draw things that are not interesting to the community. only a few brown nosers would say otherwise. and yes Freako can do whatever, but I can also bitch about it when he wastes time drawing things that are boring.
Anonymous5: @Tenchi2k: You fail to understand that everything an artist does is good regardless of what it is. And this is interesting to the community. If it wasn't, Freako wouldn't be drawing this. Besides, how do you know if he wasted time on this or not?
Anonymous6(1): I have never commissioned anything from freako, he is a good artist but the faces are proportionally bad. Eyes are extremely small, out of place. Really simple things that could be fixed.
Anonymous7: @TsundereBaka I find I like the style of Freko, the faces may not be to your liking but personally I love the almost exaggerated emotions shown!
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