gwendolynk: first so many things is wrong with that, in a special release before ben10AF it said he lost him arm in the Limax Wars, why would they contridict their show on a minor issue like that, and on a absent note, most likely Ken his son is probly named after Gwen's Brother who somehow died during said aputation of max's arm. and if you remember gwen also used magical charms in ben10k and ken10 but in AF she doesnt need them.
Anon_3dot141: @Anonymous: Maxwell R. Tennyson did NOT die, he was simply sent to the Null Void when the he turned the Null Void Projecter into a bomb that took everything within a 100 yard radius, (except Ben, Gwen, and Kevin Ethan Levin) and used it to save the day and take a Highbreed General to the Null Void. Later, when ben went to the Null Void after that female X-LR8 sent a message through Gwen asking for help, Ben got to see Grandpa Max again, but when he had to leave, Max decided to stay in the Null Void to help with the reconstruction efforts. Finally, in the big battle to save the universe from the Highbreed assault, Max returned and help turn the tide of the entire battle, at which point, Ben, Gwen, Kevin, Ship, and Azmuth went to the Highbreeds' home planet, and convinced the Highbreed leaders to call off the attack. Then the gang went home, and the season ends.
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