Anonymous1: Hey VSauce, Micheal here! Did you know that semen contains vitamin C, fructose, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B12, zinc, nitrogen, and calcium. The average male jizzwad is said to contain roughly as much protein as an egg white (chicken, not human eggs, of course).
Anonymous5: Hey VSauce! Although many people use the words “sperm” and “semen” as if they were synonymous, how tragically wrong these mortal fools are! The truth is that sperm comprises only about 5-10% of any given male jizzload. The rest is comprised of rich, happy bodily fluids and a dazzling array of nutrients that aid, protect, and comfort the sperm in its long and arduous journey toward the haughty female egg.
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The tag is locked, but isn't this dude a YouTuber.