Violetty: @Farfegnugen: I can only watch NWH sometime at January 😭 no spoilers please...
On second thought, I just might avoid this entire post so no risks 😅
Anonymous11: And so at the theater while watching Spider-Man, just as Doctor Strange opened the portal that opened the Multiverse because Peter could not keep his damn mouth shut forcing multiple worlds to mix and collide, this girl comes up to me pulling a huge pulsing unvaccinated Horse penis from between her legs and says, "greetings from two R34 features ago, SUCK MY DICK!" It was at that point I realized that I left a dwarf tied to my bed with cum dripping from her butthole. I got up to go get more popcorn.
Farfegnugen: @HiddenD: Two Spider-Man movies? There is just the one where Doc Oct tells Peter... No; Deadpool isn't in one currently in theaters.
I know this should not be said because this is the internet, but since people are either new to the internet or even just this site; If you don't want a movie spoiled for you, either see it or don't read the comments. Either or because you can't expect everyone to play by your rules, more so here.
Feathery_Duck: @Anonymous: actually, that's official.
He's omnisexual. Could be turned on by gals, guys, cars, chimichangas, an IRS notice... anything!
HiddenD: @Anonymous: Deadpool is pansexual, he will fuck anything with or without a pulse (like Death itself); except for the Rule63 version of himself from a parallel reality (not that he didn't try).
meow-meow: @Farfegnugen:
oh, so apparently the black one wasnt the main spider-man?
and not sure how it can be considered retarded when iron-man is a black woman, Captain America is black, flash is black, Mary Jane is black, batman is black, batwoman is black, Dr. Manhattan is black, Starfire is black, ariel is black, James Bond is a black woman, Beethoven and Jesus are retconned as black etc. i think its more weird to find a character that still hasnt been blackwashed
Farfegnugen: @meow-meow: "oh, so apparently the black one wasnt the main spider-man? " No shit Sher-shit. Although, there is a rumor going around that Miles might be next MCU Spider-Man since there's been this shift to younger actors (even though Tom Holland is only 25). Are they doing it for the black people; No and you're retarded.
"and not sure how it can be considered retarded when iron-man is a black woman, Captain America is black, flash is black, Mary Jane is black, batman is black, batwoman is black, Dr. Manhattan is black, Starfire is black, ariel is black, James Bond is a black woman, Beethoven and Jesus are retconned as black etc. i think its more weird to find a character that still hasnt been blackwashed "
... No. Iron-Man is white, Iron Heart is black. Captain America OG is white, Captain America/Red Falcon is black, Red Falcon took over when Cap got old (movies and comics). There's a bunch of Flashes, mostly white. Mary Jane is mixed race for the MCU movies, otherwise a white girl for 95% of the media out there. Yes, there is a black Batman and Batwoman, and Dr. Manhattan and Starfire was played by a black person in the TV series, nobody gives a shit. No, James Bond is not black. She took over the 007 moniker when Bond retired, in the movies. James Bond has not been, nor will not be black or a woman going forward. Beethoven, born from white German parents, was not black, the fuck did you get that from? Jesus is Jesus, who gives a shit about his skin color. Some people say Santa is a black man, doesn't change the fact that Santa is Santa.
If you don't like the color of a character, then don't buy/watch the stories they are in. If enough people don't buy into it, it'll stop. Good grief, I don't remember this outrage when a Mexican-American became the new Blue Bettle.
the_last_can: Ah, it's that magical time of year again and nothing gets me into that holliday spirit more then reading the comments here.
Merry christmas everybody, and let's try to not be here too much in the coming days :)
Anonymous23: @Farfegnugen: Everybody gives a shit though. You know it wasn't any popular demand to make niglets into established superheroes. The issue is that fans do not like that and blacks(who are supposedly the new target audience) don't really care.
The problem with the blackwashed characters is that they are defined specifically by skin colour, that's their only gimmick. They are bland and uninteresting by themselves. This is what's disgusting about it. There used be genuine characters who had black skin back in the day and they were fine at their niche places where they belong. So right now they're largely appropriating the popularity of established white characters by trying to substitute them with blacks for woke reasons. And, true enough, the ratings of any woke-infected franchise are falling as a result.
And because this faggotry is happening for political reasons, it will not stop easily. It has enough starting budget and reaching into the taxpayer and advertisement pockets lets it to stay alive longer than it's supposed to and replace old goodies, becoming the only product of a particular franchise. Most people want new content in the established settings, so it's a choice between choosing the shitty black Spiderman or rejecting Spiderman altogether. There's no good choice for normal people.
Anonymous26: @Farfegnugen: That's because it was before it became so blatantly about white genocide. Whites aren't being erased from popular media by accident or coincidence.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: "Everybody gives a shit though." "The issue is that fans do not like that and blacks" "Most people want new content in the established settings," "There's no good choice for normal people. " I guess you don't understand what everyone wants then. It's as if there are more than white people that read comics or watch movies.
@Anonymous: "That's because it was before it became so blatantly about white genocide." Will no one weep for the ignored genocide known as the "white genocide in media"?
Anonymous29: if these whities are right, in order to direct the media agenda towards their own interests they should buy things five times instead of whining here
MrAnon: You ignoramuses think you are so edgy and/or smart with your Politics, there is only one battle, The Uber Wealthy vs the Rest of Us. And the more you fight each-other, the more they laugh in their mansions with their Billions of dollars.
If you think intellectualism is bad, you are the problem.
If you think free speech is bad (even if it's speech you don't agree with), you are the problem.
Ignorance, Greed, and Selfishness are the negatives.
Understanding, Charity, and Compassion their opposites.
Now have a Merry F-ing Holidays, stop your ignorant bickering, and get back to what this place is about.
meow-meow: @Farfegnugen:
so replacing characters with black ones is totally valid, as long as they arent the same character but a different character playing the same role.
replacing Al Bundy with a black guy would be okay, as long as he was called Al Tyrone instead.
if its not for an agenda, name one single character that was non-white and replaced by a white character. maybe you are just pretending to be this naive to sound cool and contrarian compared to the popular opinion about this(not the media's opinion).
"Beethoven, [... ]was not black, the fuck did you get that from?"
maybe you didnt hear that blacks are now claimed to have been everywhere in medieval europe too? Shakespeare is also claimed to have been black and/or stole the works of a black woman.
and dont get me wrong, i dont mind white USAians being erased, its just that this is also pushed into other areas, affecting other people where USAian media is dominating.
Farfegnugen: @meow-meow: "so replacing characters with black ones is totally valid, as long as they arent the same character but a different character playing the same role. " Oh my god, someone get this person into Mensa, stat.
"replacing Al Bundy with a black guy would be okay, as long as he was called Al Tyrone instead." Then it would be a different show altogether because it won't star Ed O'Neil.
"if its not for an agenda" Everything is "agenda" if you don't agree with it, but go on. "name one single character that was non-white and replaced by a white character." There's been a few. Hell, I can save you a click with two movies off the top of my head, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Ghost in the Shell live-action movies.
"Link to "Let Me Google That for You"" *Searches for "Better shit to do with one's time." instead.* So much better than whatever conspiracy theory nonsense you were trying to put in my web history. I'm sure you said other shit, but much like Anon46's horseshit, I kinda tuned it out.
Anonymous34: @MrAnon: Do you know why the extreme elites purposefully flood nations with immigrants and break the body politic up into several wildly different ethnic groups? Because it works. Because tribalism is innate to humanity and outward appearances and ethnic markers are the first and biggest part of subconscious tribe recognition. The divisions are innate and naturally occurring, populations naturally self-segregating even without the elite's deliberate agitation efforts between them. A multicultural democracy is nothing more than an ethnic head count. Whenever a nation's majority becomes a plurality conflict is inevitable because democracy is no longer about who has the best ideas, but about whose tribe is largest. They aren't creating divisions, they're simply accelerating the rate at which pre existing ones grow.
Faux intellectualism IS bad, because it fools people into saying or believing nonsensical ideas simply because the words are long or pretty sounding. Modern academic intellectualism has the art of saying a lot and nothing at all down to a science.
Free speech as an institutional concept only ever existed so the subversive could get a foot in the door. It is not a coincidence that now that they own everything the idea is being attacked, derided, undermined, and abolished.
Mutual selfishness creates a better sense of understanding and pragmatic boundaries than naive attempts at forced coexistence ever could. MAD has forced nations to the negotiating table more than any amount of peacenik activism trying to un-invent nuclear technology ever has.
@Farfegnugen: Raceswapping of any kind is bad, regardless of which group feels it's entitled to do it in current year. Everyone pointing to trash like TLA, GITS, or Gods of Egypt as justification for their favourite type of swapping as if all those movies weren't utter dog shit that failed in large part due to their whitewashing is not doing themselves or their arguments any favours.
meow-meow: @Farfegnugen:
"Oh my god, someone get this person into Mensa, stat. "
kinda ironic, since i dont think sarcastic remarks are arguments, and therefore more telling about your own mental abilities to use them.
"Then it would be a different show altogether because it won't star Ed O'Neil. "
and yet James Bond franchise wont be different when 007 will be a black woman. nice consistent logic
"Everything is "agenda" if you don't agree with it, but go on."
more like 'everything is agenda'. the question is more if a person agrees with its perceivable purpose or not, and replacing characters with black ones has no other perceivable purpose than to erase whiteness.
"There's been a few. Hell, I can save you a click with two movies off the top of my head, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Ghost in the Shell live-action movies."
blackface, yellowface, etc are specifically the OPPOSITE of erasing their racial identity, just like how a black character being voiced by a white person and vice-versa are not whitewashing, since the race of the role is not changed, regardless of the race of the person performing it, and are even made to resemble the race of the character to keep it from changing due to race difference.
name examples of black ROLES being replaced with white ROLES. like if the A-team had a reboot, and not only Mr. T as an actor, but also B. A. Baracus was replaced with a white guy inside the story.
and not even mentioning that black replacement characters usually have blackness as a big part of their character and/or story, or even african-american related political bullshit, while their white counterparts had nothing to do with their race.
""Link to "Let Me Google That for You"" *Searches for "Better shit to do with one's time." instead.*
so you dont take the time to search two words that would prove my example, but take the time to type snarky bullshit about not searching it or opening the url.
"So much better than whatever conspiracy theory nonsense you were trying to put in my web history.""
i agree, blacks should stop with their conspiracy theory nonsense. and you should stop arguing if you dont know about the topic at hand. and i also should, if i wont get meaningful responses anyway
Farfegnugen: Man, some of you fucks are going to lose your shit when you find out Catwoman is played by a black woman.
@meow-meow: "and yet James Bond franchise wont be different when 007 will be a black woman. nice consistent logic " Yes, because naming a black woman James Bond would be a smart move. No, a black, let alone, a woman is not taking over the 007 title permanently. Go on, play your silly "What if...".
"name examples of black ROLES being replaced with white ROLES." Did you want me to copy and paste what was in the Wikipedia article? Nice job changing the rules of your little game, by the way. I'm certainly done playing it.
meow-meow: @Farfegnugen:
sure, none of the blackwashing and black replacements will be permanent, they are just done to... to what? if they are not for an agenda and not for replacing the character then what other reason could you even possibly believe?
and the wikipedia article is about whites playing non-white roles while trying to keep the character intact. a black woman crossdressing and white-facing and playing James Bond would not be blackwashing, since it stays the same character regardless of the actor. which is what i wrote previously, not changing any "rules" of the "game" or argument. i was done too, shame you couldnt just actually read it if you were going to reply anyway.
Anonymous35(34): @Farfegnugen: "Man, some of you fucks are going to lose your shit when you find out Catwoman is played by a black woman."
Zoe Kravitz is an extremely bland looking woman and an even blander actress. You're making the mistake of assuming anyone is going to remember what promises to be nothing but forgettable mediocrity at best or that anyone who opposes the casting is going to waste their time watching the movie. They're going to do what more and more people are doing these days. Shit on it, dismiss it, ridicule every facet of it, and then forget it existed. Tearing down and destroying the legitimacy of modern pop culture is ten times more rewarding than partaking in it.
Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: I make no mistakes sir, she is black and you are losing "your shit". As for the movie and her acting in it, who know. Could be great, could be awful, time will tell.
Who knows, maybe this Netflix's One Piece could be great or the next Cowboy Bebop. At least they got the creator on board this time.
Anonymous36(34): @Farfegnugen: Making mistakes doesn't make you a lesser person or stupid. Pretending you don't or showing an inability to recognise and learn from them does. Empty bravado is a terrible remedy for insecurity. As is the exaggerative and assumptive mistake you've made thinking it qualifies as "losing your shit," to merely comment on the assured mediocre forgetability of a movie made and released by mediocre and forgetable people in an era defined by mediocre forgetabilty.
What's more is your assessment is hyperbolic because it needs to be to justify your outlook. If someone simply approaches something like The Batman with nothing but derisive apathy, remembering it exists only as long as it takes to ridicule with a throwaway "No thanks," then people like yourself are left with the realisation you've gone to absurd intellectual lengths to defend another drop of cheap, shallow, corporate schlock made by and starring boring untalented people of no noteworthy fame in an utter sea of the same. In other words; a buffoon.
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Time for spiders and time for Christmas.
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On second thought, I just might avoid this entire post so no risks 😅
On that note, Happy Holidays everyone ❄🎄🎁❤
1. Obviously it’s Christmas.
2. The new multiverse Spider-Man movie dropped.
3. The latest JoJo one shot released not too long ago references Deadpool x Spider-Man.
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And then I was like, "Fucking Deadpool! XD"
Best feature <3 Merry Christmas to all!
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I know this should not be said because this is the internet, but since people are either new to the internet or even just this site; If you don't want a movie spoiled for you, either see it or don't read the comments. Either or because you can't expect everyone to play by your rules, more so here.
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He's omnisexual. Could be turned on by gals, guys, cars, chimichangas, an IRS notice... anything!
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oh, so apparently the black one wasnt the main spider-man?
and not sure how it can be considered retarded when iron-man is a black woman, Captain America is black, flash is black, Mary Jane is black, batman is black, batwoman is black, Dr. Manhattan is black, Starfire is black, ariel is black, James Bond is a black woman, Beethoven and Jesus are retconned as black etc. i think its more weird to find a character that still hasnt been blackwashed
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"and not sure how it can be considered retarded when iron-man is a black woman, Captain America is black, flash is black, Mary Jane is black, batman is black, batwoman is black, Dr. Manhattan is black, Starfire is black, ariel is black, James Bond is a black woman, Beethoven and Jesus are retconned as black etc. i think its more weird to find a character that still hasnt been blackwashed "
... No. Iron-Man is white, Iron Heart is black. Captain America OG is white, Captain America/Red Falcon is black, Red Falcon took over when Cap got old (movies and comics). There's a bunch of Flashes, mostly white. Mary Jane is mixed race for the MCU movies, otherwise a white girl for 95% of the media out there. Yes, there is a black Batman and Batwoman, and Dr. Manhattan and Starfire was played by a black person in the TV series, nobody gives a shit. No, James Bond is not black. She took over the 007 moniker when Bond retired, in the movies. James Bond has not been, nor will not be black or a woman going forward. Beethoven, born from white German parents, was not black, the fuck did you get that from? Jesus is Jesus, who gives a shit about his skin color. Some people say Santa is a black man, doesn't change the fact that Santa is Santa.
If you don't like the color of a character, then don't buy/watch the stories they are in. If enough people don't buy into it, it'll stop. Good grief, I don't remember this outrage when a Mexican-American became the new Blue Bettle.
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Merry christmas everybody, and let's try to not be here too much in the coming days :)
The problem with the blackwashed characters is that they are defined specifically by skin colour, that's their only gimmick. They are bland and uninteresting by themselves. This is what's disgusting about it. There used be genuine characters who had black skin back in the day and they were fine at their niche places where they belong. So right now they're largely appropriating the popularity of established white characters by trying to substitute them with blacks for woke reasons. And, true enough, the ratings of any woke-infected franchise are falling as a result.
And because this faggotry is happening for political reasons, it will not stop easily. It has enough starting budget and reaching into the taxpayer and advertisement pockets lets it to stay alive longer than it's supposed to and replace old goodies, becoming the only product of a particular franchise. Most people want new content in the established settings, so it's a choice between choosing the shitty black Spiderman or rejecting Spiderman altogether. There's no good choice for normal people.
Merry Christmas people.
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@Anonymous: "That's because it was before it became so blatantly about white genocide." Will no one weep for the ignored genocide known as the "white genocide in media"?
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@Anonymous: Maybe he did before he put in the candy canes.
@Anonymous: Extreme Right-Wing Trumpist spotted! Danger, Will Robinson!
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If you think intellectualism is bad, you are the problem.
If you think free speech is bad (even if it's speech you don't agree with), you are the problem.
Ignorance, Greed, and Selfishness are the negatives.
Understanding, Charity, and Compassion their opposites.
Now have a Merry F-ing Holidays, stop your ignorant bickering, and get back to what this place is about.
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so replacing characters with black ones is totally valid, as long as they arent the same character but a different character playing the same role.
replacing Al Bundy with a black guy would be okay, as long as he was called Al Tyrone instead.
if its not for an agenda, name one single character that was non-white and replaced by a white character. maybe you are just pretending to be this naive to sound cool and contrarian compared to the popular opinion about this(not the media's opinion).
"Beethoven, [... ]was not black, the fuck did you get that from?"
maybe you didnt hear that blacks are now claimed to have been everywhere in medieval europe too? Shakespeare is also claimed to have been black and/or stole the works of a black woman.
and dont get me wrong, i dont mind white USAians being erased, its just that this is also pushed into other areas, affecting other people where USAian media is dominating.
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"replacing Al Bundy with a black guy would be okay, as long as he was called Al Tyrone instead." Then it would be a different show altogether because it won't star Ed O'Neil.
"if its not for an agenda" Everything is "agenda" if you don't agree with it, but go on. "name one single character that was non-white and replaced by a white character." There's been a few. Hell, I can save you a click with two movies off the top of my head, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Ghost in the Shell live-action movies.
"Link to "Let Me Google That for You"" *Searches for "Better shit to do with one's time." instead.* So much better than whatever conspiracy theory nonsense you were trying to put in my web history. I'm sure you said other shit, but much like Anon46's horseshit, I kinda tuned it out.
Faux intellectualism IS bad, because it fools people into saying or believing nonsensical ideas simply because the words are long or pretty sounding. Modern academic intellectualism has the art of saying a lot and nothing at all down to a science.
Free speech as an institutional concept only ever existed so the subversive could get a foot in the door. It is not a coincidence that now that they own everything the idea is being attacked, derided, undermined, and abolished.
Mutual selfishness creates a better sense of understanding and pragmatic boundaries than naive attempts at forced coexistence ever could. MAD has forced nations to the negotiating table more than any amount of peacenik activism trying to un-invent nuclear technology ever has.
@Farfegnugen: Raceswapping of any kind is bad, regardless of which group feels it's entitled to do it in current year. Everyone pointing to trash like TLA, GITS, or Gods of Egypt as justification for their favourite type of swapping as if all those movies weren't utter dog shit that failed in large part due to their whitewashing is not doing themselves or their arguments any favours.
"Oh my god, someone get this person into Mensa, stat. "
kinda ironic, since i dont think sarcastic remarks are arguments, and therefore more telling about your own mental abilities to use them.
"Then it would be a different show altogether because it won't star Ed O'Neil. "
and yet James Bond franchise wont be different when 007 will be a black woman. nice consistent logic
"Everything is "agenda" if you don't agree with it, but go on."
more like 'everything is agenda'. the question is more if a person agrees with its perceivable purpose or not, and replacing characters with black ones has no other perceivable purpose than to erase whiteness.
"There's been a few. Hell, I can save you a click with two movies off the top of my head, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Ghost in the Shell live-action movies."
blackface, yellowface, etc are specifically the OPPOSITE of erasing their racial identity, just like how a black character being voiced by a white person and vice-versa are not whitewashing, since the race of the role is not changed, regardless of the race of the person performing it, and are even made to resemble the race of the character to keep it from changing due to race difference.
name examples of black ROLES being replaced with white ROLES. like if the A-team had a reboot, and not only Mr. T as an actor, but also B. A. Baracus was replaced with a white guy inside the story.
and not even mentioning that black replacement characters usually have blackness as a big part of their character and/or story, or even african-american related political bullshit, while their white counterparts had nothing to do with their race.
""Link to "Let Me Google That for You"" *Searches for "Better shit to do with one's time." instead.*
so you dont take the time to search two words that would prove my example, but take the time to type snarky bullshit about not searching it or opening the url.
"So much better than whatever conspiracy theory nonsense you were trying to put in my web history.""
i agree, blacks should stop with their conspiracy theory nonsense. and you should stop arguing if you dont know about the topic at hand. and i also should, if i wont get meaningful responses anyway
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@meow-meow: "and yet James Bond franchise wont be different when 007 will be a black woman. nice consistent logic " Yes, because naming a black woman James Bond would be a smart move. No, a black, let alone, a woman is not taking over the 007 title permanently. Go on, play your silly "What if...".
"name examples of black ROLES being replaced with white ROLES." Did you want me to copy and paste what was in the Wikipedia article? Nice job changing the rules of your little game, by the way. I'm certainly done playing it.
sure, none of the blackwashing and black replacements will be permanent, they are just done to... to what? if they are not for an agenda and not for replacing the character then what other reason could you even possibly believe?
and the wikipedia article is about whites playing non-white roles while trying to keep the character intact. a black woman crossdressing and white-facing and playing James Bond would not be blackwashing, since it stays the same character regardless of the actor. which is what i wrote previously, not changing any "rules" of the "game" or argument. i was done too, shame you couldnt just actually read it if you were going to reply anyway.
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Why the fuck are you autists arguing about blackwashing or whatever the fuck on a porn site?
Jesus christ.
Zoe Kravitz is an extremely bland looking woman and an even blander actress. You're making the mistake of assuming anyone is going to remember what promises to be nothing but forgettable mediocrity at best or that anyone who opposes the casting is going to waste their time watching the movie. They're going to do what more and more people are doing these days. Shit on it, dismiss it, ridicule every facet of it, and then forget it existed. Tearing down and destroying the legitimacy of modern pop culture is ten times more rewarding than partaking in it.
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Who knows, maybe this Netflix's One Piece could be great or the next Cowboy Bebop. At least they got the creator on board this time.
What's more is your assessment is hyperbolic because it needs to be to justify your outlook. If someone simply approaches something like The Batman with nothing but derisive apathy, remembering it exists only as long as it takes to ridicule with a throwaway "No thanks," then people like yourself are left with the realisation you've gone to absurd intellectual lengths to defend another drop of cheap, shallow, corporate schlock made by and starring boring untalented people of no noteworthy fame in an utter sea of the same. In other words; a buffoon.