SPNKRLover: This has been one of the first SFM that I've chosen to make after receiving numerous encouragements from a few of my friends back on Tumblr, the lucky man of course is Kritznov himself. ^.~ Truly a hunk of a man huehuehue...
QWERTYas1: Edited the tags, Kritznov is an OC and therefore not to be taggged on Paheal ^^; Regardless, wonderful image- dare I say your request to me may be approaching redundancy ? XD
SPNKRLover: @QWERTYas1: Much appreciated with the help on tagging, frankly I'm still trying to get use with Rule 34. ^^' So I hope that I'm not causing much of a ruckus.
SPNKRLover: @QWERTYas1: Okey dokey.Off topic, my request isn't giving you much trouble by any chance. If so than I'm fine with it being cancelled, I wouldn't want you to take too much time on it where there are others who waited for their requests. ^^'
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