Anonymous3(1): Star Wars has become nothing more than a vehicle for the feminist PC agenda. Everything else is secondary in this joyless Sci-Fi Franchise.
Anonymous4: So many reddit mra's lmao, we all know you fuckless faggots who get no pussy call anything with a woman in it "feminist pandering" go back to your reddits and share your dickpics amongst your selves faggots, no one wants to hear either you or lesbofeminists whining here.
Anonymous7: Sadly I have to agree, seems her talent was just looking uninterested and static, which I guess in modern cinematography passes for "strong" and "brave". The supporting actors were better by a mile. Vader was almost useless in this movie, being there for nostalgic purposes mostly. The CGI was good, except the dead guy which looked unnerving. Honestly the cartoon show feels more like 'Star Wars' than the movies do, at least in bringing something new to the table.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Funny, it looked more like an action thriller from over here. Might want to check that soapbox for Turnip Termites of Inappropriateness.
Anonymous10: @Anonymous: Jesus fucking christ. Everything isn't a debate. Go back to suckling the teat of your favorite MRA anti-feminist youtuber. I bet you call yourself an "Egalitarian" too you shell of a human fucking being.
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