Anonymous3: @Weegee: Nope. Pokesho don't do porn, only ecchi. No, methinks this is Sigurd's work. Well, rather, the artist with a similar artstyle to his.
Anonymous6: To Anony Mouse 2: Those aren't nipples on her butt (tho they CAN occur there-see Gould & Pyle.)the sky is sunny, her bare skin is shiny from being all wet from a swim ...need I say any more ?
Anonymous10: Anon3 is epic failure...this looks NOTHING like Sigurd...This is either an edited version of pokesho's pic, or it was in fact made by him...I can't really tell with this...also Anon3, ecchi is a type of porn, 1st failure, and second, this does count as ecchi, as ecchi is the japanese equivalent of softcore porn, 2nd failure...
Anonymous16: Anon14 I agree to the hot MILF part... the problem lies in enforcement of only hot MILF's wearing it(we like these two someone else might notget the point?).Better to collect the MILF's first then give them clothes (or not)
Anonymous17(16): Anon14 I agree to the hot MILF part... the problem lies in enforcement of only hot MILF's wearing it(we like these two someone else might not. get the point?).Better to collect the MILF's first then give them clothes (or not)
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"my mime jr. is all stiff, and so is my dick."
If Ash or some guye show up licking,strawing Delia's Breast here
umm, you mean me right?
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