nelfforsex: my night elf slut showing off what she loves the most! <3
does anyone have any ideas on what scenes/poses to do?
oh and i dont realy RP, but you can still send me kinky messages guys and gals! <3
Vrg: @nelfforsex: you're into any kind of dicks but normal one, Im a simply human pal >//< (I like your hawt attitude tho, too bad I feel more like a spectator in all that variety of dicks)
Vrg: @nelfforsex: slutty ^^ For a second I thought I might ended up in a fictional second "tied up" same happened here...
Zellcind: @Vrg: Mmm, maybe you should be! A show such as this deserves to have an audience, and you are the best candidate. A captive audience of one is better than none.
@nelfforsex: Since you seem to have your hands full, perhaps you should leave our little friend here untouched. There are far larger and more exotic cocks for you to indulge yourself in here, why settle for less? ^.~
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does anyone have any ideas on what scenes/poses to do?
oh and i dont realy RP, but you can still send me kinky messages guys and gals! <3
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@nelfforsex: Since you seem to have your hands full, perhaps you should leave our little friend here untouched. There are far larger and more exotic cocks for you to indulge yourself in here, why settle for less? ^.~
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