Usagi1992: Yep, Audrarius is the artist freakin' obsessed with shipping Applejack and Fluttershy as lovers. 80% of those pics featuring AJ with a futa cock, LOL.
ThePloxDude: I'm not gonna try to be rude to those that are a fan of MLP, but does anyone find it weird how 4chan made a board dedicated to My Little Pony, but no board dedicated to Yotsuba&!
Also just in case you're asking me what Yotsuba&! is... Well it's the series where 404 Girl (Or as her real name is, Yotsuba Koiwai) is the main character and also the series where she originated from. Kind of surprise on how the Yotsuba&! manga never mentioned about 4chan and how Yotsuba Koiwai was the mascot of the series.
Another thing to say but this is literally the first time I ever saw My Little Pony Futanari.
SpY: @ThePloxDude: You're on to something! The show must be really incredible, moving and source of universal knowledge of good and bad, the enlighten people who truly understand that are among the wisest of man...
Or you know, the ever flowing cancerous, attractive and successful Africans, cum gargling, cocksuckers who "trolled dem good lololo" by posing MLP in every thread had to be locked up in a single subsection, protected by 5 (i shit you not) mods because it was raided 24/7.
Procreation: I was obsessed for a few years, but by the end of season 4 it had become a chore to watch, and the fucking shippers ruined every character interaction. Glad I peaced out before the writers decided to join them.
ThePloxDude: @HiddenD: Uhh yeah I kind of think a Japanese manga gives something about 4chan since well... Their main character/protagonist is literally used and referenced to in the website as “404 Girl” in which I think Yotsuba&! would have a reference to 404 Girl and maybe 4chan.
But I'm also still wondering why there isn't a board dedicated to Yotsuba&! on 4chan since in Japan, I heard 4chan is called the Yotsuba channel.
NSFObjects: @ThePloxDude:
/mlp/ was mostly created as a containment board for G4 but because mods are gay the GR15 ban started to apply to stuff like Filly Funtasia and Them's Fighting Herds.
Anonymous3: Apple Jack is going to give Rarity an apple she will never forget. And I'm not talking about sex,I'm talking about praying together reading the book of Mormon, while being ass raped by Apple Jack.
Anonymous4: @ThePloxDude: Because nobody is interested in talking about Yotsuba&! For there to be a board, there need to be people interested in talking about it.
Anonymous6: @Procreation: I bowed out around then too. Season 3 I didn't like much, chalked it up to it being short. The writers didn't get so much room to do arcs, etc. Every show has a bad season. And then 4 was fucking awful. I recently rewatched the entire series up until season 8, so 1-7 and HOLY SHIT is FiM an ever declining slope, and it's that way for one solid reason. It started with a premise and then failed to build UPWARDS on that premise, instead deciding to expand outwards. Meaning for every stupid macguffin that happened one time that could have been elaborated on, creating a more interesting world that Lauren Faust wanted to make, we instead got some shitty looking hedgehog race, and for every backstory that could have gotten entire episodes, we got fucking anthro cats. Basically you watch the show and it just tosses fucking everything interesting out the window for catchy gimmicks and paper thin mandated bullshit, exactly like the shitty corporate sell out the show started off trying NOT to become.
ThePloxDude: @Anonymous: Hmm... Seems a bit fair but I still think Yotsuba&! deserves a board of their own on 4chan since not a lot of 4chan users know that 404 Girl/Yotsuba Koiwai has her own manga series. It is also because of how in Japan, 4chan is called the Yotsuba channel.
Actually, now that I think of it, 4chan has some references to the mascot, with the following:
The site logo and icon at one point consisted of four leaves positioned identically to her distinctive four green pigtails, and she appears in the HTTP 404 message (leading to the nickname of "404 Girl"), banned user messages, banner ads, and logos. The software the site runs on is code-named Yotsuba.
So I guess 4chan could make a Yotsuba&! board in the future just like they did with Pokémon and My Little Pony? Well, I still have hopes since if they were to make a board dedicated to their own mascot's series, imagine if it got so good (Or bad because it's 4chan) that it would get an anime adaptation. (Although the creator wasn't happy about his other manga called Azumanga Daioh getting an anime adaptation, which explains why Yotsuba&! doesn't have one for now)
ConsciousDonkey: @Anonymous: I wouldn't use such harsh words, but the lack of the backstory pissed me off, too. Some of it was explored in the comics, but then again, many of them were utter trash.
Procreation: @Anonymous: I hear ya on that. The wasted potential was a big part of my disillusion. Instead of allowing their interesting secondary [NOT background] characters to get involved with the main cast, all we got was an endless parade of one-shot characters and antagonists that left no trace once the episode was over. The combination of some of the original writers leaving, Discord being reformed then progressively idolized by the fandom, then finally, Twilight's tree house being blown up.. was kind of a symbolic "fuck you".
@ConsciousDonkey: The comics being allowed to explore all the shit we wanted to see in the show was even more infuriating because like you said, they were 75% flaming garbage and it meant the show would probably never tread on those ideas.
Anonymous17: @Anonymous8: Oh fuck right off. S4 was probably the best the show was ever had. 99% of kvetching about 'wasted potential' = 'muh head-cannons & fanfic never happened wah' and your comment is no exception
Anonymous19(17): @Procreation: first, your premise is wrong the show's had tons of developed characters beyond the main cast and continuity, even bringing back a villain from years ago for the S6 finale. Second, having lots of one-off characters is exactly what this show works well with. Thank God the writers never took cues from you or the other chan-tier wannabe writers around here you would have ruined and turned it into Steven Universe or some shit. Or ConsciousDonkey's awful idea of marrying one of the M6 why the hell would that be a good idea? Why are you even here? There's an entire section of 4chan dedicated to 'edgier than thou' people who can't write but are sure they can. Go commiserate there.
Anonymous20: 9+ years and counting of people still getting angry over a little girls cartoon. Holy fucking shit guys, give it a fucking rest already, the show is over ffs.
Anonymous21: People still think this show is relevant?
Must be a bunch of idiot Americans.
Some people never seem to grow up and mature. It's not even worth complaining about this mediocre American animation.
ConsciousDonkey: @Anonymous: I can't speak for Procreation, but there were lots of open questions left. Celestia and Luna's parents, how they ended up controlling the Sun and Moon, how they acquired their apparent immortality etc. Reportedly Faust created backstory for that, but it never appeared. How Twilight got her immortality in the finale or why was Flurry Heart born as alicorn is not explained, either.
Marrying one of M6 would be a bad idea for the show, but awesome idea for the resulting lulz. Season 9 was mediocre at best, so it would hardly matter. And they ended up marrying Pinkie, even if it was offscreen.
Anonymous22: @ConsciousDonkey: we also never got a true end for spike. They teased a possible arc for him in the Dragon quest ep in S2, but then we go nothing until S8 when they decided to go the "joke" route by playing the oblivious cliche "I am your X but I really am not your X because I am a lazy good for nothing that just wants to lazy about so I lied about being X to get some good treatment".
Then S9 went even further backwards by just saying Spike was "family" while still showcasing him as more off a pet when you saw the flashbacks where he was trying to be acknowledged by twilight's parents and never was.
Also, not a HUGE thing, but Twilight's owl. It was just completely forgot about after we saw it fly away in S4 when the castle blew up. Did it just go back to the forest? Did twilight release it since she lived in a castle?
Then there is Sunset shimmer and cozy glow. Where the fuck were their family/parents? Did Sunset kill them or something before leaving for the human mirror world? What about cozy glow's parents? There was literally a ep with the CMC's wanted to go to that fair and them not being able to because they had no guardians to take them but Cozy Glow's parents were non-existent.
I am sure they a shit ton more that I am missing or forgetting right now, but you get the point.
Anonymous23: Guys, we all have an extremely important mission. We need to keep Minecraft's pornographic image count greater than Fortnite's image count. Fortnite is so close to beating Minecraft in the amount of images. Let's make sure Fortnite doesn't get higher. Let's go, gamers. 😎🗿👊👌👍
Anonymous24: @Anonymous: While I hate Fortnite Minecraft porn is the most embarrassing thing on the internet and a waste of data. Only autistic kids who can't do anything non-minecraft related could find blocks sexy. Please reevaluate your life.
Anonymous30(23): @Anonymous: Who said it HAD to be blocky? Minecraft porn would consist of blocky porn, rule 63 (of mobs and Steve/Alex[most likely in an anime form]), or even other images with references to Minecraft porn. You act like the porn of some franchise must look like the style of the franchise in order to be the franchise's porn.
Chef_Retardee: The show had a good 9 year. We can tell this because of all the shit-slinging in the comments of this very mage.What other franchise could inspire so much faggotry from all sides?
Anonymous33: Bronies suck. There's literally no appeal to a little girls' show about rainbow horses. This site would do so much better if it wasn't flooded with all this crap, and the artists actually cared about what the people want.
Anonymous34: Futa: for when you totally want to ship two girls together, but can't figure out how lesbians actually fuck, so just give one of them a dick. Oh, but make sure to drill a vagina right through the base of the cock so as it make it anatomically incapable of functioning. Because we couldn't possibly have it be anal sex, THAT WOULD BE TOO GAY!
Decanter: @Anonymous: I think it is you who can't figure out how lesbians actually fuck. Sometimes strapons are involved. Futa is similar but instead of a toy it's a body part.
Also, anatomically incapable of functioning? Do you go around complaining about all the pics with beach-ball-size tits, 50cm soda-can dicks, and whole liters of cum sprayed about? Or do you reserve your demands for realism when it comes to dicks in pastel horse porn?
Anonymous37: Every brony that walks this earth. Every man, who covets the evil of the pony. Every man, Who keeps a picture of fluttershy as their background. Every man, Who applies rainbow decals to their car. Who floods the gallery of rule34.paheal. Who desecrates our holy shrine of wankery. Who confuses pony with porn. Who brings ruin and corruption to the face of our world.
Our mission is to hunt you. To crush you. To ruin you.
We shall tear at the integrity of your legions, and revel in the dying agony of your evil. We shall bring disillusion to your corrupt acclaim, and laugh in the face of your idle threats.
Your evil does not trepidate us. Your evil does not repel us.
We shall destroy and obliterate until you are nothing but a piss and pink coloured neon stain on the face of the internet.
And when the last brony is cornered, and cannot call for the assistance of its corrupt armies, When they are trapped, and are unable to brandish the blade of evil, we shall remember. Remember all the delusion you have wrought. Remember the corrupted art. Remember the defilation of everything you have ever touched,
and we will have no mercy.
Clop, eat, shit, pray, lay down your life, and die
Ahhh yes, 2012, those were the times... even after 7 years, it made me chuckle. Sadly, he failed to include the "all male MLP fans must be horsefuckers" one.
Anonymous40(37): @ConsciousDonkey:
Not to piss on your parade, But thats not the original.Its a ''quotation'' The real one written by an masked, unnamed and unsung Hero is unfortunatly lost forever.
I admit i only copy-pasted it and made it funnier.
besides that,the festering, faggy,fandom called bronies should have died a long time ago. its on the islam's level of gay retardedness if you arent a little girl, and are a fan of this anal retention of a ''show'' anyway. you should contemplate Your Life, Your Birth, Your existence upon this world and at what value you hold it. Because if you get to a point in your life where You dedicate such skill (as displayed in OP's picture above) to draw/paint porno of a show aimed at little girls just so you skip the Blue Pill and wank your stinkspear to your own creation. than you are truly the most saddest piece of human tissue to have been shat out by a mother and to have ever walked the Earth. I absolutély have no idea Why this fandom is so vast, Why it exists, Why it formed,and what kind of ''Special People''flock to it. what sort of malformed brain/broken childhood leads to an army of 30-40-50-year olds furiously wanking it to neon-coloured ponies.
they say ''pressure creates diamonds'' i say ''failure creates fuckups'' which pretty much sums up the birth and further existence of the average Brony.
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There's more of these three and many other things in Audrarius's tag, so check it out if you liked something about this.
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Also just in case you're asking me what Yotsuba&! is... Well it's the series where 404 Girl (Or as her real name is, Yotsuba Koiwai) is the main character and also the series where she originated from. Kind of surprise on how the Yotsuba&! manga never mentioned about 4chan and how Yotsuba Koiwai was the mascot of the series.
Another thing to say but this is literally the first time I ever saw My Little Pony Futanari.
Who the hell is Timberwolf? I don't see any Clan mechs in this image.
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Or you know, the ever flowing cancerous, attractive and successful Africans, cum gargling, cocksuckers who "trolled dem good lololo" by posing MLP in every thread had to be locked up in a single subsection, protected by 5 (i shit you not) mods because it was raided 24/7.
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But I'm also still wondering why there isn't a board dedicated to Yotsuba&! on 4chan since in Japan, I heard 4chan is called the Yotsuba channel.
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/mlp/ was mostly created as a containment board for G4 but because mods are gay the GR15 ban started to apply to stuff like Filly Funtasia and Them's Fighting Herds.
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Actually, now that I think of it, 4chan has some references to the mascot, with the following:
The site logo and icon at one point consisted of four leaves positioned identically to her distinctive four green pigtails, and she appears in the HTTP 404 message (leading to the nickname of "404 Girl"), banned user messages, banner ads, and logos. The software the site runs on is code-named Yotsuba.
So I guess 4chan could make a Yotsuba&! board in the future just like they did with Pokémon and My Little Pony? Well, I still have hopes since if they were to make a board dedicated to their own mascot's series, imagine if it got so good (Or bad because it's 4chan) that it would get an anime adaptation. (Although the creator wasn't happy about his other manga called Azumanga Daioh getting an anime adaptation, which explains why Yotsuba&! doesn't have one for now)
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@ConsciousDonkey: The comics being allowed to explore all the shit we wanted to see in the show was even more infuriating because like you said, they were 75% flaming garbage and it meant the show would probably never tread on those ideas.
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Must be a bunch of idiot Americans.
Some people never seem to grow up and mature. It's not even worth complaining about this mediocre American animation.
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Marrying one of M6 would be a bad idea for the show, but awesome idea for the resulting lulz. Season 9 was mediocre at best, so it would hardly matter. And they ended up marrying Pinkie, even if it was offscreen.
Then S9 went even further backwards by just saying Spike was "family" while still showcasing him as more off a pet when you saw the flashbacks where he was trying to be acknowledged by twilight's parents and never was.
Also, not a HUGE thing, but Twilight's owl. It was just completely forgot about after we saw it fly away in S4 when the castle blew up. Did it just go back to the forest? Did twilight release it since she lived in a castle?
Then there is Sunset shimmer and cozy glow. Where the fuck were their family/parents? Did Sunset kill them or something before leaving for the human mirror world? What about cozy glow's parents? There was literally a ep with the CMC's wanted to go to that fair and them not being able to because they had no guardians to take them but Cozy Glow's parents were non-existent.
I am sure they a shit ton more that I am missing or forgetting right now, but you get the point.
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Also, anatomically incapable of functioning? Do you go around complaining about all the pics with beach-ball-size tits, 50cm soda-can dicks, and whole liters of cum sprayed about? Or do you reserve your demands for realism when it comes to dicks in pastel horse porn?
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Our mission is to hunt you. To crush you. To ruin you.
We shall tear at the integrity of your legions, and revel in the dying agony of your evil. We shall bring disillusion to your corrupt acclaim, and laugh in the face of your idle threats.
Your evil does not trepidate us. Your evil does not repel us.
We shall destroy and obliterate until you are nothing but a piss and pink coloured neon stain on the face of the internet.
And when the last brony is cornered, and cannot call for the assistance of its corrupt armies, When they are trapped, and are unable to brandish the blade of evil, we shall remember. Remember all the delusion you have wrought. Remember the corrupted art. Remember the defilation of everything you have ever touched,
and we will have no mercy.
Clop, eat, shit, pray, lay down your life, and die
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Ahhh yes, 2012, those were the times... even after 7 years, it made me chuckle. Sadly, he failed to include the "all male MLP fans must be horsefuckers" one.
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Not to piss on your parade, But thats not the original.Its a ''quotation'' The real one written by an masked, unnamed and unsung Hero is unfortunatly lost forever.
I admit i only copy-pasted it and made it funnier.
besides that,the festering, faggy,fandom called bronies should have died a long time ago. its on the islam's level of gay retardedness if you arent a little girl, and are a fan of this anal retention of a ''show'' anyway. you should contemplate Your Life, Your Birth, Your existence upon this world and at what value you hold it. Because if you get to a point in your life where You dedicate such skill (as displayed in OP's picture above) to draw/paint porno of a show aimed at little girls just so you skip the Blue Pill and wank your stinkspear to your own creation. than you are truly the most saddest piece of human tissue to have been shat out by a mother and to have ever walked the Earth. I absolutély have no idea Why this fandom is so vast, Why it exists, Why it formed,and what kind of ''Special People''flock to it. what sort of malformed brain/broken childhood leads to an army of 30-40-50-year olds furiously wanking it to neon-coloured ponies.
they say ''pressure creates diamonds'' i say ''failure creates fuckups'' which pretty much sums up the birth and further existence of the average Brony.