Anonymous7(3): That's because this picture shows all the "evil" girls in Porkyman. All the women in this picture has played the part of an antagonist at some point during the show. Yes even Nurse Joy. She played a "villain" when she was brainwashed by Mewtwo in the first movie.
Anonymous9: If you don't know all the names gloory, then make sure to find out all the names before you post your picture. You can get banned if you break the rules.
gloomyrainbow: Anon9: There isn't a "gloory" anywhere in my name. I don't know all their names. I'm not a fucking nerd for the Porkyman anime desu like you are, I just think the chicks are hot. You're free to stop hiding behind the anonymous and log in and tag it then.
Anonymous10(3): Yes gloory, gym leaders are considered antagonists in Porkyman. They are bosses you know? And Latias fight against you in random encounters as far as I can recall so that would make a Lathias a villain too.
gloomyrainbow: Anon10: That's way too technical. Villains in the anime and gym leaders in the anime are far too different. In-game too, considering Aqua and Magma reps are in there too. As far as I can recall gym leaders weren't about destroying the world. :o
Bomber64: anon 7 is wrong, there are also a lot of girls from the movies, the ones that help the good guys out, and a couple who help you out in the games, like Cheryl and Marley.
gloomyrainbow: Well, let's just all admit how faggy we are for still liking Porkyman, or at least knowing so much about it, and just leave it at that. :D
Anonymous15(3): You are a fag Anon13, of course a random encounter is a villain. Or are you implying that all the random encounters in rpgs are just mindless battles put into those games to make them longer?
Anonymous16(3): Cheryl and Marle were evil. Did you see them sucking Brock's dick? No? I rest my case.
You spend over 100 hours in ms-paint to edit a Porkyman picture. Then you are way to lazy to even tag the thing properly. Don't fucking call other people gay you piece of shit.
The only gay fuck here is you and that other fuck that didn't agree with me.
gloomyrainbow: Dude it's a fucking picture! xD I'm done here. I'm not lazy about tagging it, I just don't know more than half of the characters. xD And actually, yeah, I am gay. So you're really not offending anyone, but I'm truly sorry for offending you with my hasty and half-assed picture, and my tiny joke. :]
gloomyrainbow: Anon17: Apparently not, the Porkyman fandom has always been a contest of who's more of a douchey nerd though, which is why I've layed low.
Anonymous36: Shaddup ya little shits. I use TwistedBrush and I'll copy this thing, break it up and use the girls in other stuff since I can't draw worth a crap, but whoever did this can.
85ruasonid: Titanium didn't say anything, but other Admins will burn you for putting non URL info in the source field, they did me. Also source for original, unshopped image?
Anonymous46: first everybody complains it is not porn. Somebody does an MS Paint edit(a staple of rule34) then everybody attacks her for filling their /r/. Will nothing satiate anonymous‘s need to fap?
Anonymous49: You know, a lot of you are saying that this is a bad picture. This is a good picture. This is alright. Gloomy got a picture and photo shopped boobs and crotches onto it. Would have been better if it were hand-drawn, but lets see someone do that.
U_R_MR_GAY: Alright I almost finished the tags, there's alot of really obscure characters in there like Neesha(The girl on the Dewgong who only appeared in the first movie) and Allegra. I added in Drifloon who was missing as well as a few other random characters, J, Diane but for the life of me I can't fucking figure out who the girl in the tube next to Judy is, nor the one next to Palkia. Other than that everything has been tagged.
Anonymous71: I can not belive that somepody are bragging about this picture being bad. Those people should shut their mouth. If you dont like it, well dont watch it!
Anonymous77(76): @Any taggers: I don't actually know their names, but the two girls on the innertube (left of the Masquerain) are from the Destiny Deoxys movie, if that helps.
Anonymous93(92): ^Oh and also the original is at just copy and paste into ur search bar worked for me 8D
Anonymous104: What do you get when you combine....A ten year old,hornyness,and a picture of a TV show he watches with almost all the girls in it? A Horrible rip off of a nice ecchi picture -_-,whatever i don't care got the original in me psp background
Anonymous106: WTF??!! Why is Palkia in a swim tube and smiling like a little 8 yearold?!'s funny....that made me lose my boner..... but Cynthia sucking on the popsicle gave it back. At least one thing that wasn't edited is Cynthia and her oh so delicious popsicle..... Sea Salt Ice Cream Flavor!!!!!
Anonymous109: anyone notice how there's mediocre censors there, I mean, there shouldn't be, but you can't see anything between their thights except an uneven coloured blotch
Anonymous129: Darkrai's next to Cheryl's (the green haired girl) butt. CAn anyone tell me what exactly Cynthia has in her hair? Ha... Marley really looks like she doesn't want to be there.
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So don't bitch about other people's if you can't do any yourself. :'D
People disagreeing that it's bad, do one yourself and show me the correct way, please. :]
People saying that the bikini removal is why it's bad, some people are into it, some aren't. Sorry.
Anon6: I don't know all their names so you're welcome to do it for me. :D!!!
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And holy crap I just noticed darkrai.
You spend over 100 hours in ms-paint to edit a Porkyman picture. Then you are way to lazy to even tag the thing properly. Don't fucking call other people gay you piece of shit.
The only gay fuck here is you and that other fuck that didn't agree with me.
By the way, I'm a chick.
Otherwise this pic totally wouldn't make sense. xD
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I should retag this with "deleteme" and "not34" and give the site a little more room for real 34 to be uploaded.
Good job gloomy i was waiting for a nude version of this
That's how do you do it, not like in this pic.
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... but you have to admit, palkia with an inner tube is hilarious.
Palkia: Is this heaven?
and Croagunk is fucking it up for Brock, as expected.
I don't car if it's badly shopped, at least someone did it.
and Croagunk is fucking it up for Brock, as expected.
I don't care if it's badly shopped, at least someone did it.
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this is a crack for Photoshop CS3. use it.
Here's the original. GET FAPPING NAO.
what the hell is with palkia
Shut up. If you'd seen the original, you'd agree that this is a heinous crime against a good piece of art.
Zeus, why the fuck do I know this shit.
They. Are. Fine. Just. The. Way. They. Are.
And by the way, Anonymous 59: Thank you.
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*dives into crowd of babes*
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