Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: Don't know if she'll make an appearance in Super since her birth takes place during/after the show. Who knows, she's not Bulma that's for sure.
What's with the Kid tag. If it's an artist, say something, otherwise it's gone.
Farfegnugen: @Biggus Dickus: Super is an alt timeline? I know GT is because Toriyama only did character designs, the series name, and nothing else. But Super I thought was a bit more cannon because Toriyama doing manga (even though it way behind the anime now), story concepts, and designs.
Anonymous3: @Biggus Dickus: Bra's not a GT character, though. She's EoZ, just like Pan. Super has to bring her in (and soon!) or it falls out of canon with Z.
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What's with the Kid tag. If it's an artist, say something, otherwise it's gone.
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There's always Multiverse too, lol. :)
Ugly-Eyes OLDER Sister is ugly, yeah... :(