Anonymous1: Wait a min this doesnt make any sense... male belfs are all gay and/or played by 12yr olds so how can this be!? Hmmmm still he may be getting raped...
Anonymous4(1): Interesting point anony 2... i've never rolled an ally but have always had suspicions about those fucking nelf huntarts/rogues :p Seriosuly tho if you see a male belf it's a strong indicator that a kiddys (12-16) behind the controls.
Anonymous36: this would be more relevant to my interests if is was a nelf/belf. still hot tho. and yes. mbelfs are fucking retarded. havent you seen the number of pics on this site with them and a male troll? lulz
Anonymous47: people who act like fan boys (anon49 anon2) need to stfu i will however say that bloodelfs shouldn't be part of horde and people played them as"a horde race i may actually like" need to gtfo....freeking pussys need to suck it up
Anonymous48: anon10, does she look old? fuck, no. she's fucking hot. regardless of her hair color OR age, I'd hit that until one of us passed out (if that happened to her, I'd carry on hitting that)
Anonymous52: Anon54, =P I've been horde since vanilla wow, and every time I try playing an ally toon, five minutes after logging onto it I run back to my guild going "OMFG THEY HAVE NO BRAINS. NO BRAIIIIIIINS"
derpmaster69: @Anonymous:blood elfs are the most badass race ever according to their lore mister douchbag homophobic asshole cuntface niggacheeze testicleless buttsqurting cumdrinker
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Well, and I'd love to be that guy... except that I don't run that well on feet. The girls are still hot, tho.
and i also play wow
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"Oh gods, this rocks! 'Cept, you know..I can hardly breath with giant monster breasts in my face...But..That kinda rocks too!"
I also like this pic, and would much enjoy being attended to by these ladies in such a fashion.
anyway, pic is hot. I'd kill to be that guy
Also, my troll has white hair. I'd do a troll over a human any day. Trufax.
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wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf
all blood elf male is gay!!
Anon51, so you truly want it to be a faction that no one ever even bothers playing? Cool, I'm fine with belfs leaving that lame collection of races.
are you a naga?
fix'd for you
Hot belf.. i want to be one of the females
Your sweet QQing is amusing. And you say 12 year olds are bad..heh heh heh
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