HanJuri: Being a "fan" of a fictional character means less than nothing. It doesn't give your autistic feelings any more weight. Commission some artists if you want to see more porn of your fictional waifus, and quit bothering Freako about it.
Tenchi2k: @Freako, i did not think it mattered at the time, i was drinkin at a hardback cafe on my lunch break and noticed u drew "Ellie" (that better?) and was grumbling about it being one i like to see you draw, but then relized it was Futa and was like #$@#%@%#$@#%%@ (mass profanity) and then typed my dislike of it in as polite words as i could. I am not tring to harass you, but you and the admins though i was. I really thought the Comment section was to post your thoughts on whatever the hell was drawn above the comment. and in this case. drawing her as a futa, to me would be like casting a woman with a flat chest as Wonder Woman... oh wait... they did that too... well at lest she could act the part even if she had no boobs.. regardless who it is giving you the feedback, as a artist you should listen to your fans even if you do not like what they say, i even supported you for a time on patron until you flipped out on me cause i did not like Porkymon crap, or whatever the hell that catnoir thing is. I should have the right to give feedback negitive or otherwise.
HanJuri: You have the right to give feedback, and everyone else has the right to call you an illiterate mental patient that is obsessed that a particular artist doesn't draw exactly what you want. Commission some other artist if you want to see nothing but non-futa Ellie, and take your medication.
Tenchi2k: @HanJuri, i will take medication if i am prescribed it, but what you need friend, is lessons in manners. I happen to have supported many whentai and pixxx artists over the years, not just freako. and he is the only one that doesnt like it when ppl tell him something negitive about his art. and i challenge you to ask edjim, ferds, lexus, riff, joe, aidan, If i am what u keep calling me. I have a feeling you will eat your words as filthy as they are -_-
HanJuri: @Tenchi2k: You're not criticizing his art, you're just bitching that he doesn't draw the same fucking 2 characters you want. That's not criticism, that's psychotic obsession. And I don't need to ask anyone on that list of no-name faggots you provided, your actions speak for themselves you nutcase.
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>us elle fans
She's a fictonal character guy.
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