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Fartacus: why do her lips take up 25% of her gotdamn face?
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Anonymous1: ^she's half attractive and successful African
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Anonymous2: ^ha got eem
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ifuckwowsluts: i would love to fuck that orc or have her fuck me good and deep :) PM me if you like orcs
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: only fat racist ugly virgins who are never going to get laid in there life sit around and jack off to anime and think being racist is funny when its not. you got no right in this world to judge when your 600 lb fat ass loser in life
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Anonymous4: ^Sounds like someone's triggered.
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Anonymous5: wew anon3 being triggered on an imageboard for drawn r34 of orcs and other furry creatures
get your life back together or end it, your choice
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: you should show anon3 how to do that by getting your life back together or ending it
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Anonymous7(6): @Anonymous: you speak words of truth
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: you also speak words of bullshit

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