PotatoPie: @LurkMoar: Damn, I didn't even notice that. That's a neat little reference/tie-in to the previous images, and you sir have a keen eye for details
fishmonger: @Mr_Nahual2099: Grob Gob Glob Grod Man (his official name) is not dead. His four heads are in space orbiting Ooo, and he actually prefers to stay where he's at. Normal Man (formerly Magic Man) tried to save Glob and take him back to Mars, but Glob didn't want to go, and instead sent Normal Man to Mars and resumed orbit with Grod, Gob, and Grod. However, Billy and Abraham Lincoln definitely are dead.
fishmonger: @Mr_Nahual2099: I dunno... Huntress Wizard is strange, but she's not insane. Then again, it seems she's relatively new to magic whereas Simon has had his crown for a millennium, so maybe she'll take the crazy train at some point. Also, Abracadaniel seems kinda normal, but then again he's also not very magical. Who knows, maybe you're right and insanity is the price a person has to pay for having magical powers.
fishmonger: @Mr_Nahual2099: Hmm... well, I guess anything can be said to exist in the same multiverse. Do you mean the same universe? I haven't heard that theory. What sort of evidence have people uncovered to back up this theory?
I guess another example is Rick and Morty existing in the same multiverse (in this situation, multiverse is appropriate since they travel to different universes all the time) as Gravity Falls; there were multiple things that suggested this. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is when Rick opened a portal and three objects came out of it; those same three objects were sucked into a portal in Gravity Falls.
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I guess another example is Rick and Morty existing in the same multiverse (in this situation, multiverse is appropriate since they travel to different universes all the time) as Gravity Falls; there were multiple things that suggested this. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is when Rick opened a portal and three objects came out of it; those same three objects were sucked into a portal in Gravity Falls.