Anonymous1: @NipplestheSuperHippo: nope, different person. taking advantage after pokehidden's abrupt departure. if you look carefully, you can see subtle differences between this impostor and pokehidden's style, mainly their eye shape and sizes. look at all of the previous pokefound artworks and compare them to pokehidden original artworks. pokehidden himself said right after finishing "Banned from Equestria" that he will not return no matter what. something must have scared the shit out of his poor soul.
Anonymous2: @Pokefound: you know what. go make a new website. or anything you fancy. then, 'your' last game, Banned from Equestria. everyone agreed that its ending is extremely rushed so the finished game is different from what 'you' originally planned. complete it like what pokehidden originally intended to do; all playable sex scene in one playthrough. if you can deliver it, then we will truly believe you are really Pokehidden reborn.
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