traffik: Remember back when paheal would actually feature stuff like this? (Spare me the "This image was never featured, it doesn't have a 'featured_image' tag" comments. This pic was previously here as >>568139 and yes, it was featured.)
traffik: @Anonymous: I don't care what you need. You need oxygen. That doesn't mean I care whether you get it or not.
I was pointing out that sadly, the site doesn't have the guts to feature loli/shota anymore. And that isn't having a 'shitty' attitude, it's simply noting a change in the times. I'm as loyal to this site as anyone (certainly moreso than any anon, who contribute nothing of value), but that doesn't mean that I'm in lockstep with every decision they make. I'll say whatever I want to. Don't like it? Who fucking cares?
Anonymous11(9): @traffik: Do you always blame the anons for your problems? Kind of petty don't you think? Going to a lot of trouble to prove that you "don't care."
traffik: @Anonymous: I don't blame anons for my problems. But when one starts in on me, saying that nobody needs what I have to say, it's just kind of funny-- because if nobody needs my opinion, then what does that say about yours?
Let's be clear: I'm not putting you down out of mere pettiness-- I'm putting you down because you opened your big, fat mouth. My first post in this thread had nothing to do with anons. I posted about something that has nothing to do with you, or anons in general, and you chose to pick a fight with me from out of nowhere. And I suspect it's not the first time you've done that. I'm pretty sure I know exactly who you are. An anon who goes around starting shit with the same person on different threads... I don't know, sounds kind of "petty", doesn't it?
Anonymous15: Legendary... That's the pic that got the ORIGINAL artist his nickname. And stuff like that SHOULDN'T BE "risky", so idiotic. Something is being incriminated because of made-up characters, even if NOT based off actual actors. Artists even facing criminal charges for DRAWINGS & RENDERS ?
WHAT KIND OF CRAZY-ASS JURISDICTION IS THAT, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD ?!? And we all have to take that lying down...!
Anonymous16: People still fanaticly believe such drawings could make others sexual offenders - they really CLAIM TO BELIEVE IT ! Impossible to imagine just HOW HARD you gotta hit your head be so ignorant & dumb... Basically like fascist, racist & homophobe ppl.
Hate NOW, ask LATER (or better not, you might learn UNDERSTANDING & lose a designated enemy, UGG !)
ColdFusion: I don't think this was actually made by the artist Snuckypuck, formerly known as Fuchur. I think it was tagged Fuchur because that was Falkor's name in the original Deutsch, and someone did a search-and-replace.
Anonymous17: @ColdFusion: correct, I have this in my old archive, it is indeed by Fuchur. I remember his work really well too, like this drawing shows he did quality work. However he might have changed his name? I don't know, I lost track of him years ago.
But... we still have to contend with the fact this image contains real people. Yes I know this drawn art and that it depicts "characters", and I know the two kids have been adults for decades, but you have to remember that underneath these are still REAL people with REAL lives (and of course, use the internet).
The dangerous thing about making porn of real people or characters clearly portrayed by real people who may have little to no physical differentiation from their real life counterparts is that somebody is going to snap sooner or later, and there'd likely be far reaching consequences, some that may perhaps make us all wish this had never happened. I've been warning about this for years, yet no one seems to care, or think celebrities can't touch us or only use the internet in the most minor and miniscule ways.
Long story short, I'm worried this trend will come back to haunt us all, HARD.
Anonymous24: @Anonymous: If you want to know what this kind of art is like for real people (the ones who appear in it), look no further than this scene from the movie:
COREANDER: Look, your books are safe. By reading them, you get to become... Tarzan, or Robinson Crusoe.
BASTIAN: But that's what I like about them.
COREANDER: arse but afterwards you get to be a little boy again.
BASTIAN: Wha- what do you mean?
COREANDER: Have you ever been... Captain Nemo? Trapped inside your submarine... while a giant squid is attacking you?
COREANDER: Weren't you afraid you couldn't escape?
BASTIAN: But it's only a story.
COREANDER: That's what I'm talking about. The ones you read are safe.
Ever wondered what could potentially mean? I have, and now I know. It's a warning.
Stories or porn of fictional characters with no association with real life people, are safe. Because the people depicted are fictional, no one's getting harmed.
BUT, when it involves real people who have never consented to being portrayed in such manner, and may rock or even destroy their lives, well afterwards you DON'T get to be yourself ever again... because it's YOUR doom!
"Oh but we're talking about celebrities or just public people who put themselves out on the spotlight, aren't we? Whether actors, musicians, politicians, or otherwise ordinary people who happened to become internet celebrities through some accidental viral video, or became popular by some other means, even if it happens to me, surely all involved must have accepted these kinds of consequences beforehand, right? Otherwise, they... I... these kids... wouldn't have... oh no..."
Anonymous25(24): @Anonymous: Stupid autocorrect. The first part of that second Coreander line was meant to say "arse" (a-h-h), but it thought I meant "arse". Stupid thing.
Is this even legal?
- Reply
I was pointing out that sadly, the site doesn't have the guts to feature loli/shota anymore. And that isn't having a 'shitty' attitude, it's simply noting a change in the times. I'm as loyal to this site as anyone (certainly moreso than any anon, who contribute nothing of value), but that doesn't mean that I'm in lockstep with every decision they make. I'll say whatever I want to. Don't like it? Who fucking cares?
- Reply
Do we have the guts to feature loli/shota again. Meh, don't hold your breath. It comes down to, "Is it worth the trouble?" Often times no.
Do you have it? Do, do, do, do you have it?
Let's be clear: I'm not putting you down out of mere pettiness-- I'm putting you down because you opened your big, fat mouth. My first post in this thread had nothing to do with anons. I posted about something that has nothing to do with you, or anons in general, and you chose to pick a fight with me from out of nowhere. And I suspect it's not the first time you've done that. I'm pretty sure I know exactly who you are. An anon who goes around starting shit with the same person on different threads... I don't know, sounds kind of "petty", doesn't it?
Stop looking for excuses to engage with me.
- Reply
WHAT KIND OF CRAZY-ASS JURISDICTION IS THAT, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD ?!? And we all have to take that lying down...!
Hate NOW, ask LATER (or better not, you might learn UNDERSTANDING & lose a designated enemy, UGG !)
- Reply
Fuck off!
But... we still have to contend with the fact this image contains real people. Yes I know this drawn art and that it depicts "characters", and I know the two kids have been adults for decades, but you have to remember that underneath these are still REAL people with REAL lives (and of course, use the internet).
The dangerous thing about making porn of real people or characters clearly portrayed by real people who may have little to no physical differentiation from their real life counterparts is that somebody is going to snap sooner or later, and there'd likely be far reaching consequences, some that may perhaps make us all wish this had never happened. I've been warning about this for years, yet no one seems to care, or think celebrities can't touch us or only use the internet in the most minor and miniscule ways.
Long story short, I'm worried this trend will come back to haunt us all, HARD.
COREANDER: Look, your books are safe. By reading them, you get to become... Tarzan, or Robinson Crusoe.
BASTIAN: But that's what I like about them.
COREANDER: arse but afterwards you get to be a little boy again.
BASTIAN: Wha- what do you mean?
COREANDER: Have you ever been... Captain Nemo? Trapped inside your submarine... while a giant squid is attacking you?
COREANDER: Weren't you afraid you couldn't escape?
BASTIAN: But it's only a story.
COREANDER: That's what I'm talking about. The ones you read are safe.
Ever wondered what could potentially mean? I have, and now I know. It's a warning.
Stories or porn of fictional characters with no association with real life people, are safe. Because the people depicted are fictional, no one's getting harmed.
BUT, when it involves real people who have never consented to being portrayed in such manner, and may rock or even destroy their lives, well afterwards you DON'T get to be yourself ever again... because it's YOUR doom!
"Oh but we're talking about celebrities or just public people who put themselves out on the spotlight, aren't we? Whether actors, musicians, politicians, or otherwise ordinary people who happened to become internet celebrities through some accidental viral video, or became popular by some other means, even if it happens to me, surely all involved must have accepted these kinds of consequences beforehand, right? Otherwise, they... I... these kids... wouldn't have... oh no..."